Extra Tasty Crispy
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(Sigh). Another one of these ship/firetruck/airplane/Sherman tank on my lawn stories. Look, I know the editors of Jalopnik want to be cool neighbors, not regular neighbors, but these are getting tired. I’m gonna be the not cool neighbor and say that I don’t want to gaze upon your Winnebago-sized hobby every fucking

Have Ted Cruz say it.

When can we stop using the term “Woke” ?

Arizona fans out in FORCE on this story LOL.

To require someone to be patriotic is fundamentally un-American. The freedom to publicly state, I am ashamed of my country is the most American thing there is, from the very start of this nation. This is the same mistake made 50 years ago punishing the American act of protest, to make America better.

From the headline, I honesty wasn’t sure whether to expect an article about what an awful person this Watson is, or an article about how the prosecutor in this case doesn’t actually know what rape is.

Regardless of his conscious choice he would have been accused of match fixing by deciding to eat or not eat the pie because he was aware of the bet, it’s lose lose for him no matter what unless he just decided to not show up.

And almost all of the brouhaha over time wasting is caused by having to watch the fucking Red Sox and Yankees overthink every little thing 53 times a season on ESPN.

“It’s not fun to watch when you go through your whole pitching staff and wind up bringing a utility infielder in to pitch.”

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Psh, this guy basically wrote the book on hiring foreigners and stashing assets abroad.

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.

This probably would have been good about two weeks ago, office party season is done now.

Bullshit. Joe Jackson is a no talent hack who only got to where he did by exploiting his children’s talents with no regard for their well being. He has no place being elected to the hall of fame.

“make our program great again.”

Holy fuck that is fitting.

Newt is the living embodiment of what stupid people think a smart person sounds like.

Met (?) Drew Magary once. Thought it was some raccoons going through my trash can and turned out to be him!

six urinals to pee in