Extra Tasty Crispy

anything TDI

You're not considering things on the margin. The consideration isn't "how much money per eyeball," it's "how much money per additional eyeball compared to what the networks would put on that timeslot instead." ESPN pays a lot more for the NFL too, as you note, in fact something that ends up being much closer to the

1. what Lopez calls his "Statshead Prediction."

Numbers One Through 12

Our national debt is far better now than it was during WW2.

If someone is buying a new car and thinking "investment" to begin with, they are doing it wrong. It's a luxury, and most luxury goods (except for the doctored housing market) depreciate. It's something to enjoy, not something to earn you a profit.

Whenever someone says cars arent a good investment I want to smack them in the head. No shit. That's why Im at a car dealer, not Charles Schwab. Guess what my 401k cant do? Get me to work, or the grocery store, or anywhere else for that matter. I cant autorcoss a savings account. Cant go for a Sunday morning

Except that vehicles (new and used) are not investments, aside from classic cars. They are monthly costs labelled transportation in peoples budgets.

I'd comment, but one penalized person is enough.

Attorney Does His Job: article from Deadspin full of hot and fresh hot takes coming soon.

So...this sounds like it might even be worse. Mort reported that he was told that the video was "ugly" because Janay attacked Ray first, but otherwise described what happened.

/rant on

Well, technically only OTL sat down with Snyder. Dan remained standing.

My thoughts exactly, until I realized that Wal Mart doesn't give a shit.

Please don't ever use this. It doesn't work.

yup, top cause was traffic-related fatalities, as I said.

Bostonian here. Life long Red Sox fan. Remember the name Victoria Snelgrove? I do. She was a total stranger, and I'll carry it until I die. Boston PD fatally shot her in the brain with a pepper spray ball fired through her eye. A ball only fired because the PD had recently acquired crowd-control paintball guns,


An interesting way to look at accounting. You're saying they saved their local taxpayers $250k...but you're also kind of skipping over the point that this was an asset of the federal government. It's not like it's free money.