Cousin Bleh

All these executive orders are Bannon, not Pence.

That'll get you 4.5 stars on Goodreads and an animated gif of Jonah Hill flailing his hands.

Worried/hoping … tomato/tomahto.

It's like when Trump took over @POTUS. It just doesn't feel right.

Robert Jordan died at 58, so I think a lot of that comes from the comparison.

I actually hadn't heard that. I thought Thorn of Emberlain was delayed because he had to move and plan a wedding.

I can see that if you're writing extremely complex, nonlinearly plotted stories or multiple POVs like GRRM does. But a lot of the fantasy series out there are simple, point A to B narratives.

The World of Ice and Fire was actually written by two other people who manage a wiki or something.

I don't begrudge GRRM's glacial pace as much as other fans do because I read a lot of fantasy, and most of it is horse dung. For instance, I just gave up on a new one by an author named Michael J. Sullivan, who likes to brag that he writes an entire 5-book series before the first book is published. Yeh, there's a

I like my beer like I like my men: fruity.

Will there be time to pelt Hobby Lobby with Chick-fil-a sandwiches?

If they really wanted to make football fans' heads explode, they shouldn't have cut the final scene where Adolphus and Eberhard get drunk and make out.

Anheuser Busch has other brands that don't taste like watered down goat piss. I enjoy a frosty Shock Top with an orange slice.

I feel like they've rehabbed their brand well enough. They do LGBT marketing and advertise at Pride every year.

Hey, I was there! Favorite chant: Shouting "Shame… shame… shame" at the Trump Hotel. I wished I had a bell.

That's not at all true. A quick glance at the Molson Coors website shows at least 2 Coors family members on the board of directors, and Forbes says the Coors family still owns more than 10 percent of the company.

If it helps, Uber pledged $3 million to help drivers impacted by the ban.

I'm not sure you understand how investment works.

Trump's other campaign slogan. It didn't look as good on a trucker hat.

I agree that Trump can't be reasoned with so the whole "seat at the table" reasoning seems pointless to me. But I also don't begrudge them for trying.