Cousin Bleh

Sheryl Sandberg and Tim Cook were in Trump's last business council meeting.

My favorite game to play right now is to wait for someone to say they're boycotting Uber and switching to Lyft, and then I gently inform them that one of Lyft's biggest investors is Peter fucking Thiel.

I don't know about you, but I am also boycotting SpaceX.

Another boycott? I'm still pouring Latvian-produced vodka in the gutters to denounce Russia.

The best thing about the hipster revolt against Uber is that they're all flocking to competitor Lyft, seemingly unaware that one of Lyft's biggest investors is none other than Trump delegate and actual Batman villain Peter Thiel.

She actually took time off to receive treatment for and recover from a very serious thyroid condition called Graves' disease.

Well, that wasn't the fun, little cartoon and zany lyrics I was expecting.

Why do you need to switch back to Apple TV if you have Roku? Isn't everything you can get on Apple TV available on a Roku? I'm legit interested because I have both Roku and Apple TV, but I never use Apple TV anymore.

It thoroughly covers the material.

Just make some Darius Youtube vids to get us all through the year.

The actual dossier was passed from John McCain to intelligence officials.

I'm hearing good things about a book called The Bear and The Nightingale, which will probably be the first 2017 book I'll read. It's a Russian fairy tale set in the 14th century.

It's actually called Norse Mythology.

I'm looking forward to the new Neil Gaiman book, which is a retelling of Norse mythology.

Sorry, I'm still in the line to slap Billy Eichner in the face.

Contestant #3, do you want to swipe left or swipe right?

This is yellow journalism.

I guess Milo is technically British.

I love Besson and am looking forward to Valerian, but I think many people are cautious about that movie. Jupiter Ascending may have left people gun shy about effects-heavy space operas.