Cousin Bleh

But Preacher just premiered in 2016. In fact, her two contrasting performances in Preacher and Loving should get her the win for this.

Is that the one where find out Evian is naive spelled backwards?

I used to be a regular Entertainment Weekly reader. It was actually a decent rag before Jess Cagle, the world's biggest starfucker this side of Andy Cohen, took over editorial duties.

To be fair, King actually had some pretty harsh criticism of Harry Potter. He took Rowling to task for her overuse of adverbs.

I've actually read one of the Sookie Stackhouse books, and let's just say that Stephanie Meyer doesn't have a lock on the worst author title.

There's a new series of YA books that is very popular, called Red Rising, I think. I've only read the first one, and it is exactly The Hunger Games on another planet. I am baffled by their popularity. The author is so derivative he can't even be bothered to give the characters names, so he simply steals them from

I think Renesmee was the moment that even Twilight fans realized how dumb the books were.

I suppose you could compare the dreaminess of their sound, but The XX feels far more restrained and sparse than the lush sounds of Cocteau Twins.

I genuinely like The XX, but the most valid complaint I hear about them is that their vocals sound like they're mumbling.

The best joke of that video is that Diplo has elves who ghost-write his songs for him. If they stick to that type of EDM mockery, this series could actually work.

Pabstley's Blue Ribbon.

Sounds like his personal problems might not be over soon.

I'm still trying to figure out why they have a fucking mattress in the back of a Range Rover.

I'm kinda intrigued by RTJ, mainly because of their politics.

Hoth seems nice.

I think if I was set on fire by lava, suffered loss of limbs and thus forced to wear a clunky breathing apparatus to survive, I'd get as far the fuck as possible away from the volcanic planet where that occurred.

I was working on an "Over 1 million children served" joke.

I've never heard of any of those rappers beginning with Slug. But I'll concede I stopped listening to hip-hop around The Chronic, so my knowledge of white rappers is a limited list that includes the Beasties, Vanilla Ice, 3rd Bass, and whoever that white chic was in Ice-T's Rhyme Syndicate crew.

Radiohead's career is only 5 years older than Beyonce's. And they released one of the most acclaimed albums of the year.

Coachella had Guns n Roses last year and AC/DC in 2015. If anything, this is the first year in a while they haven't had an, ahem, older act.