Cousin Bleh

We lost our car in 2010. I actually had the foresight to mark our car's location on a maps app, but then during the day my phone battery died. So we wandered around the polo fields from parking lot to parking lot looking for our car for four hours. We were really, really high.

I cannot wait to stay home and watch the live stream of this on Youtube.

I just assumed that was a drag queen, and then I thought to myself, have drag queens gotten popular enough for Coachella?

Wait, this whole thing isn't scripted?

Oh, trust me, gay people are more than capable of being racist pieces of shits like Milo.

This isn't really a new thing though. It's a Simon & Schuster imprint called Threshold Editions that's actually publishing Milo Yiankjsdafh's book. Threshold has already published a long list of Breitbart types: Coulter, Malkin, O'keefe, D'souza, Shapiro, etc, etc, etc.

I found out my husband hates Friends about a year after I married him. That could have been a deal-killer.

But Max was the weirdest gay of them all.

It's strange to read all this negativity here when my Facebook wall over the weekend was nothing but Will & Grace quotes, though admittedly, like 90 percent of them were that "gin and regret" line.

If he doesn't answer, it's probably because he's on the set of Girls earning an Emmy.

When the top 10 list is short enough to include Macklemore and Kid Rock as actual contenders, that is a low bar.

Maybe it's because I'm irrationally frightened of snakes (thanks very much, Raiders of the Lost Ark), but I watched that scene through the slits between my fingers, wondering how the hell did they film that?! Did Travis Fimmel really lie in a pit of (non-venomous, I presume) snakes, or were they some sort of lifelike

Man, this show does psychic orgies better than any other.

I assume she's into the cybergoth scene, or at the very least an admirer of its fashion. It's big in Berlin (embarrassing Youtube videos and all), and a lot of them have brightly colored cyberdreads like Lana's.

Confident is a great word to describe this episode. The first season felt timid at times, as if they were unsure of the mythology and wading around in it to figure out what works. But they've fully embraced it now and cranked everything up, and I loved every minute of it.

The road from Dune to Battleship must be such a steep descent it requires a runaway truck ramp.

And plus, we got a classic techno song out of it.

There are actual videos on his Youtube page of him doing all of that on previous flights.

They say millennials have no work ethic, but she works really hard at being insufferable.

Little known fact: Lando Calrissian had asthma.