Cousin Bleh

Coming 2021: Saw Gerrara: A Star Wars Story

He was researching Scientology. It didn't take.

I've seen a few episodes and enjoyed it. I still think the movie could have benefitted from providing more background or character development. Pointing out that the ancillary stuff like animated series and comic books cover that seems like a poor excuse for weak storytelling.

But that would require watching Clone Wars.

Girls is actually a really great show about young women, or at least a specific subset of young women, living in New York and the unique experiences they face as millennials, a generation that has been coddled by its parents and struggles in a traditional job market. It's very zeitgeisty, and there are few other shows

It doesn't get more rock and rock than your water breaking all over the first row during a performance of Rhythm Nation.

The Smiths have been nominated twice, but the Hall places big value on the induction ceremony (because it's a money maker) so I don't see them ever getting in as long as Morrissey and Marr are both alive and refuse to be in the same room together.

My argument crumbles like shadows searching in the night.

Agreed on chart positions, ugh. We need Nate Silver to 538 this shit.

As much as I love Depeche Mode, I'm kinda glad they aren't being inducted this year. The Hall has thus far refused to endorse electronic music, despite embracing dance and hip-hop, but it's going to happen eventually. I think Kraftwerk deserves that first nod.

Man, I despise Pearl Jam. I think their sound is bland, Vedder's mumbly lyrics are incomprehensible, and when I have taken the time to read them online they're nonsensical. They're the band that fratbros listened to when Nirvana and Soundgarden broke, and their continuing popularity has always baffled me. I'm sure

I disagree. I think there are ways to determine artistic worthiness based on musicality (of which, admittedly, I'm not well versed), influence, and contribution to the medium.

I think the argument being made is that "rock and roll" is a general attitude that's distinct from "rock music," which is typically guitars accompanying a 4/4 rhythm. PE, Tupac, NWA may not necessarily play guitars (though they all sample rock based music) but they definitely uphold the rebellious attitude that rock

They've already inducted several hip-hop acts. That purple ship with spinning hubcaps has sailed.

No Janet? Bum year for nasty girls.

You're the reason animated movies are eventually going to come with a trigger warning.

I wanted to like it so bad because I lived in Phoenix for many years and experienced the water crisis first-hand as people continue to water their green lawns while the Salt River is now an empty bed. The unfortunate gay character felt really hacky too and seemed beneath him.

As we speak, I'm putting the finishing touches on my spec script about brilliant feline scientists whose dastardly experiments include engineering highly contagious pathogens to rid the world of puppies and ingesting toxic parasites that drive their human companions insane. Dr. Schittekitteh is going to be a massive

It's been my experience that people who think the eternal war between dogs and cats is an actual thing and not a fount of delightful humor would likely benefit from watching more movies about puppies (and kittehs!) who talk.

I'm really looking forward to Gaiman's rendition of Norse Mythology next year, though I'm hoping it's more novelistic than academic.