Cousin Bleh

Parvo originated in cats, as if we needed another reason to hate those puppy-killing bastards.

The Sandman is my favorite thing ever written, so big thumbs up. Have you read any of Gaiman's novels? Neverwhere and Stardust most closely resemble the imagination and tone of The Sandman, though American Gods is also quite good and covers some of the same ground.

The exact line was "Who builds anything in this country?" followed by "With their hands, how else?"

I can certainly see your point about "less is more," but I just didn't find Cora's journey compelling enough, particularly since she got stuck in the same spot so many times. So I felt like this book needed more.

Yeh, I'm not a fan of Haggis. But at least we'll know it has the support and financial backing to do the books justice. I hope he follows the books fairly closely.

I said "came across as," not that it literally was added by an editor. And if he spent a decade thinking about it, I'm even less impressed. The railroad lacked depth.

I thought The Water Knife was Bacigalupi's least successful book, though still quite solid. He has a way of projecting current events far into the future and has become one of my favorite authors in the last couple of years.

I must be the only person who thought The Underground Railroad was just mediocre. The premise had so much potential, but it never really delivered on it. The railroad itself was barely in the book, its origin left unexplained, its depth never truly explored. If you're going to introduce a compelling fantasy element,

The marketing genius who thought it was a good idea that The Boss Baby should "accompany this feature" needs to be fed to a sarlacc.

That's unlikely, I believe Peter Thiel is too busy helping with the incoming Trump administration.

Blade Runner is so loosely based on the Philip Dick novel, it doesn't seem like a factor.

He has 2 movies out in 2017, including a Terrence Malick one.

Most exciting upcoming movie? You clearly have not see the trailer for The Boss Baby.

I almost did some work this morning.

He just released an album.

If only you could see what he's seen with those eyes.

Start the argument now: Is Gosling a replicant?

Do replicants age? Deckard is definitely looking 30 years older in this.

Oh, I agree, I wish they would have shown him doing more.

There was a bit of the "magical negro" trope in Saw Gerrara in that his sole reason for appearing in the film was to save the white protagonist. They really could have done more with the character. They didn't even bother to explain why he needed a breathing apparatus. I believe he was missing a leg too.