Cousin Bleh


See, guys, "Grab them by the pussy" was a soundbite taken completely out of context of an otherwise non-threatening conversation about celebrity and privilege.

"A nearly 30-year-old book is now atop Amazon’s bestseller list. "

Who's your daddy?!

One of my friends noticed that Facebook started populating the "People You May Know" with his Grindr hookups. It apparently connects people if your phone number is in someone's contacts.

All of the shows are going to be shot vertically.

I can get that at home.

Ben Mendelsohn in Bloodline: Not bangable

Really? I'm not an awards person, but that pleases me.

Not even the NAACP likes Kanye. And they nominated Nate Parker.

2005: "George Bush doesn't care about black people"

Regina King is outstanding and does not get nearly enough recognition.

Leonardo DiCaprio has a foundation promoting environmental awareness and has spent more than 2 decades raising awareness of global warming. He presented a specific framework to Trump to reduce global emissions.

Totally. He's like way smarter than that nuclear physicist they have now.

Won't that cause some sort of meltdown at the NSA monitoring facility?

I live in an apartment building, and my neighbor on the other side of my bedroom wall loves "Tiny Dancer." She plays it late at night on repeat, like it literally starts over as soon as it ends. I'm pretty she's over there getting sauced because she starts clapping around the 3rd or 4th listen. It's the only song she

I'm still hoping Ashton Kutcher pops out from behind a van.

I'm not sure whether to go to Breitbart to see how Trump fans are defending this or go to AllHipHop to see how Kanye fans are defending this.

I liked Live. I also like Toad the Wet Sprocket.

I saw Live on the 120 Minutes tour with PiL, BAD, and Blind Melon. The real story from that night was Johnny Rotten's pasty ass.