Cousin Bleh

I'll one up ya… Mental Jewelry is a solid album. It had a raw edge to it that all but disappeared when they hit mainstream success with Throwing Copper.

I think they're fine as long as the people of color are secondary characters.

I think the confusion arises because that's Mon Mothma's most famous line and she's clearly part of the Rogue One story, yet she does not appear in the original trilogy until Return of the Jedi.

Still the wrong movie. The "many Bothans died" is from ROTJ.

Wrong movie.

The Empire's SS-inspired uniforms are completely coincidental.

I don't know, the presence of Gwyneth seems far damning than Spielberg's cheeky bookends.

I thought Sean Connery was offered the role of Morpheus. He's famous for roles he's turned down: Gandalf, Dumbledore, John Hammond.

Actors are the biggest branch of Academy voters, so it's really them kissing their own asses.

Top Gun?

The most egregious example and probably the real start of the trend is Shakespeare in Love, which inexplicably beat Saving Private Ryan.

Yes, Argo definitely had a Hollywood saves the world vibe that was right in the Academy's wheelhouse.

It worked for Tom Cruise.

Oscar bait:

I like living in a world where Deadpool and La La Land are competing in the same category.

Trump seems intent on starting a conflict with China. If I was military, that would scare the hell outta me.

Oh, Thindy, don't be tho thilly.

"But, in a moment right out of their show…"

That's so unlike Gingrich. Rather than seeing something through to the end, he usually moves onto his next wife.

I think you may be onto something. This is the actual Wiki description…