Cousin Bleh

Margaret won't get fooled again.

One of the things I really liked about this episode is how much it impacts present day. We seem to be witnessing the birth of the gossipy tabloid coverage that dominates much of British life and Royal news today… you could trace a line from the events of this episode to Prince Harry admonishing the press just last

They've done more than just "guest spots." Adam Pally played a main character on The Mindy Project for three seasons, and Damon Wayans Jr. played Coach on The New Girl for three seasons as well. Both Casey Williams and Zachary Knighton starred in their own shows, though both of those were canceled.

The Star Wars music was a great callback to an earlier episode where the boys were talking about going to see the movie. It's also a nice teaser of science-fiction's real-life influence on early hip-hop with artists like Warp 9 and songs like "Planet Rock."

Completely agree. I came back to these reviews looking to talk specifically about that scene, and it's frustrating how quickly the reviewer passed it over. There's so much to say about it.

So basically the premise of Rock 'N Roll High School.

"Never credited on any of the band’s albums…"

"The Get Down has described itself as tracing the birth of hip-hop, punk, and disco"

Oh, there were many… Loleatta Halloway is probably the best example. But as I mentioned, the show is set near the end of disco and it seems like it's going for what emerged from that era… If they simply show a church singer who makes disco hits, there's nothing really unique about that, as you pointed out, and it

Does anybody else feel like Mylene is loosely based on Madonna? She's obviously coming in near the tail-end of disco, and I feel like this show will explore other genres besides hip-hop that emerged from that era. They seem to be pitching Mylene's struggle to combine her church heritage and her love of disco into a

I have never professionally DJ'd, but I have spent many hours with DJs learning how to beat-mix. It is hard as fuck, certainly not a skill one acquires overnight. I can't even imagine how hard it is to continuously mix short 20-second portions of a song.

The best thing about this show for me is the appearance of real-life characters and seeing the fictional characters interact with them.

I am confused about why he does parkour.

I like the show so I don't neccesarily agree with everything you say, but I think you're spot-on that Dunham is mocking millennials. When I finally figured that out, the show became so much more enjoyable to me.

GLAAD needs to nail that guy to a cross.

I am so glad someone finally brought up the dog scene! That mortified me.

I worked at EarthLink during the height of the Friends era. When EarthLink started closing its U.S.-based call centers and migrating support to India and Singapore, they sent Friends videos overseas so the new support reps could get a better understanding of Americans.

Otter has most definitely entered the common gay vernacular, at least in metropolitan areas with a large LGBT populace. In DC, there are monthly "Otter Crossing" parties.

You know he was kidding about that, right?

Yes, totally felt that way about the toast. Dad's big ending was something like "Thank you, Silicon Valley." The sucker-punch being that Patrick works in Silicon Valley, too, but apparently doesn't earn as much as the groom.