Cousin Bleh

Those V-shaped lines are called cum gutters.

I've actually been to a wedding where the bride walked down the aisle to Coldplay's "Fix You."

I think you missed one aspect of the final scene between Patrick and his father. It was a slightly homophobic dig … he was suggesting that he'd have to pay for Patrick's wedding because, per tradition, he'd be the father of the bride. Given his comments during his toast, it was clear that's how he sees Patrick.

Thanks for the explaining the wheels thing. I had no idea what that was about.

Given what "Love Shack" is actually about, I thought that was an ironic and super choice of song for this scene. I'm a pretty big fan of irony.

I'm told that the Malazan series by Steven Erikson is the most similar… but I haven't read it myself so I can't vouch for that. The descriptions I've read sound pretty good and it's on my list to read.

"6 N in the Morning" is considered the first gangsta rap song. What the fuck you talking about Ice T is not gansta?

The Godfather is awesome
I love that one scene where they kill that guy.

Best Concert Ever
I saw Fever Ray's set at Coachella 2010. It was the best concert I've ever seen.

I coulda swore I read that Chuck is actually the one who encouraged Flav to do reality shows and whatnot as a means to get off drugs.

Death Metal Friday is far funnier than anything Weird Al has ever done. But I'll concede there's a lot of junk on Youtube.

How is it trolling, simply because someone doesn't share the same opinion as you?

Because "Eat It" is such a masterpiece?

Weird Al…
is irrelevant at this point. Any kid with a MacBook and a Youtube account can do what he does.

That didn't make any sense to me either. I suspect he said "transgendered" and the writer got it wrong.

My favorite stupid thing that Fergie did was release a song called "London Bridge" and then put out promotional materials of her in front of Tower Bridge.

You'll never get to sit with the cool kids if you keep posting completely reasonable comments.

The sound is incredible. I use it to show-off my home theater system. Should be pretty sweet in digital theaters.

this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.

Jasmine did not know where the house was, but she knew that Joel had been helping Crosby work it. Seems pretty solid to me.