Cousin Bleh

How has Power Pack not been made yet?

Power Pack!

I was wondering if a lawsuit might be forthcoming next season. But that would make for a boring storyline, and I'm sure they'll wring more drama out of Adam looking for work and struggling with money.

They do those in front of an audience? Admittedly, I know nothing about theater… it just felt so rushed to me.

"There's just too much going on."
But isn't that the whole point of parenthood? I sorta loved that Adam's entire world was crumbling around him all at once as that's what many fathers feel like. And Krause's acting is just a thing of beauty.

@Miller: It does make the names sound foreign, good point. And honestly, they don't bother me nearly as much as Ser. That's just unnecessary!

The common refrain is that book 4 was a disappointment. Martin adds a bunch of new characters, including POV characters, moves much of the action to new areas of Westeros, and drops storylines from book 3 altogether.

Wait, you believe everything that POV characters say? I'm not sure you've quite figured out how this works.

If they put Heather Matarazzo on steroids, in about a year she'd be perfect for the part.

@Ginger: You'd probably get frustrated then. The names are a bitch. And Martin has this annoying habit of changing one letter in common names… for example: Joffrey

I can't think of anyone ugly enough!

Did you like The Sopranos? It's more like that

Biggest WTF Moment Ever
I just hope it makes it to season 3. I want to watch people throw shit at the TV during the Red Wedding scene.

Ryan Murphy is a hack. I am forced to watch that horrid Glee show every week due to Significant Other obligations, and it amazes how poorly plotted and written it is. The characters change personalities on a week to week basis. How does this person continue to get work?

Fans of Nine Inch Nails will fuck you like an animal.

Fans of Oasis will have sex with you and try to convince you you just had sex with the Beatles.

Presented without comment
I went to a wedding last weekend, and the bride entered to Coldplay's "Fix You."

If my choices are go to a P.Diddy concert or watch an Ashley Judd movie, I choose to kill myself.

Nah, no one thinks of Zach Braff.