Cousin Bleh

Lesser Franco
I actually liked this dude on Scrubs 2.0. He's somewhat manic… a drug dealer won't be much of a stretch for him.

21 Jump Street was fuckin' awesome!

Problems with Geography
I enjoyed this movie, but can someone tell me how the fuck she gets from southern Spain to Berlin via river barge?

I saw the Joe Eszterhas version.

Joseph Mazzello

Dude, that's my favorite no-man's land!
"The film exists in a peculiar no-man's land between Hollywood and art."

Did anyone else see this as a ploy for those tasty Twilight pageviews? I'm honestly surprised Entertainment Weekly hasn't made it a cover story.

I don't know what it is…
about Andy Cohen that makes me want to punch him in his perfectly bronzed face.

To the 5 Burroughs
sucked ass. This is a much better direction.

GLAAD begs to differ.

Ken Jeong: "Hold on gay boys!"

Paul's Boutique could never get made today because of licensing fees. I think they layered like 8-10 samples per song. And didn't they sample the fucking Beatles on that record?

PC Police?
I was surprised by the gay joke in this trailer… not that I think gay jokes should be off limits, but because of the whole kerfuffle over that Vince Vaughn movie that I can't seem to recall the name of right now.

It was a real-life bicycling injury that wrote in. I googled it.

I've been raking in the dough on that shit. Every one of these announcements gives it a bump.

Posting an anonymous comment on a blog that people no longer socialize… irony?

At least they didn't try to hide it with a laundry basket
Best new character: Erika Christensen's cast

Hollywood from Mannequin is actually exactly how I pictured Cinna. Odd.

I'm sorta picky
Which one is Oderus?

He did some whole spiel about how they were the fish and Jay Z was the steak… I don't know what the hell any of it meant, he was slurring most of it. And then he gave a shout-out to Gil Scott-Heron that lasted like 15 minutes.