Cousin Bleh

AA Soundsystem
I saw LCD at Coachella. That dude was swigging a bottle of tequila the whole show and was so fucking drunk he could barely stand up. Between songs, he rambled on and on about nonsense. That's why this show will take 3 hours.

Any Wumpscut fans in the house?
"Tonight you sleep in hell" … possibly the best movie sample in all of goth/industrial dance music.

It occurred to me during the finale…
There are no music cues on Southland. Is that why it feels so real?

Forbes "reporting" of this story and the inevitable game of Telephone played by various media outlets is as big a joke as the song itself.

Damn you, Pairesta, for stealing my Top Chef joke!

Please tell me you've heard of The Pixies.

I haven't gotten to the part where Wil and Fela hook up, but the scenes of Kvothe and his school chums hovering over books in the Archives looking for magical clues have become very Ron and Hermione like… so I'm not surprised.

There's no wind
I find the lackluster prose and the absence of literary flourishes to be a major weakness in this sequel. In the first book, the wind served as a compelling metaphor that could be felt on nearly every page of the book. There's nothing like that in the sequel. The writing feels rushed and somewhat

The Harry Potter comparisons go much further than just being at a school for magic. The entire plot of that section - who's using magic to attack Kvothe? - feels like a second-rate Harry Potter mystery that adds little to the overall story, and the increasingly annoying character Ambrose is a carbon copy of Harry

Are these songs about anything?
I'm listening to it, and once again I feel like I've bought into the "comeback" hype only to be disappointed. So far it's doing nothing for me.