
That’s exactly what it is. A lot of people who tried to cancel culture this game are still upset on how crazy successful it was. Especially people at kotaku lol.

I absolutely love this. There should be random encounters like this to shake things up from time to time. Turning a corner and immediately saying “oh shit” is a sign of great game design imo.

Man i’ve wanted proper discord integration for all consoles for so long. So awesome that it’s finally happened.

Don’t worry myself and a lot of others bought the more expensive editions and additional copies to make up for the few cry babies. Not only is it her intellectual property, but the devs worked hard on this and deserve the success. 

It’s an amazing game. Too bad you couldn’t give it a fair review. Funny how the woke mob is so upset at it’s success. Can’t wait for the next one.

Rdr2 was an amazing single player game. The work for RDO would have been better placed into single player making it even better honestly. Instead they tried to half ass RDO for a cash grab and it shows big time.

Of course it’s only temporary. Streamer girls with pretty faces and big butts don’t face the same consequences as everyone else.

Nothing but glitchless speedruns should count. Otherwise it’s just cheating honestly..

So dumb. His name will forever be McCree. Cancel culture has taken enough :P

1. Armor piercing rounds are all that matter as far as ammo type goes.

It’s actually an impressive little console, but it hardly achieves solid 1440p gaming. More like 1080p for the most part.

It’s actually an impressive little console, but it hardly achieves solid 1440p gaming. More like 1080p for the most

Back when people weren’t afraid to voice their real opinion instead of conforming to woke cancel culture bull crap.

The whole “backlog” thing is so stupid. Just play what you want to play when you want to play it... 

Good. Push through it, get it done, collect fat bonuses, and then take a break.

Being an “avid player of Madden football games” probably makes you even less of a gamer than more of one...

Oh look more political garbage forced into where it doesn’t belong. Id prefer to let the developers have an actual blank canvas to create amazing stories without having to worry about 100 different gender identities and activists groups. Enough is enough with this garbage.

This man freaking nailed it. Have a star.

Too bad they completely removed free aim lobbies for pc. Now you just get constant Aimbotted by controller players....

Honestly this looked super linear and super boring to me sadly.