
In before the debate even gets started.

The very idea of a “protected class” is patronizing and retarded.

“Cowardly man sucker punches professional boxer knowing he can’t properly retaliate”

I haven’t seen a Venzuelan get sucker punched like that since the Chavistas found out about their inflation rates for 2017.

Both Splatoon and Titanfall were available to a smaller market. Also, Titanfall 2 added 3 new titans and a full story campaign. Destiny 2 so far does not look like it changes much more than one of the previous DLC packs. And the new subclasses don’t sound that new more just tweaks of old designs. Hopefully, the next

I think the main problem is it will get stale quickly. Each subsequent dlc they released I played less and less. The guns were exactly the same with new names. They just have presets ie: one shoots fast but has slow damage and another shoots slow but has high damage. Some of the exotics were neat but either fell into

I disagree. For all its flaws, Destiny year 1 was some of the most fun I have ever had a video game. While TTK “improved” the game, I found it never has the same spirit as it originally did

Everyone has their tastes but that Blue Velvet take is, at least, lukewarm.

you understand that you are throwing a ball at almost 100 mph and trying to hit a pretty small window, sometimes they miss that window and lo and behold, accidents happen (i’m not saying this particular instance was an accident) and it’s part of the game. you assume that risk when you sign a multi-million dollar

You’re a fucking creep.

Some asshole: ‘LOOK AT ME!’

Okay then. Charging is against the rules in basketball. I guess anytime you knock down an defending player, that’s assault.

Uh huh. Okay. Show me some legal precedent showing that beaning a batter in a professional baseball game can be considered assault anywhere in America.

Physicall assaulting someone? Really?

They heard the evidence,and came to the logical(and correct) verdict

No, in the United States all twelve jurors have to vote to convict.

I don’t reflexively assume the two black women on the jury would not vote their conscience. They might not be right. They might even be deceived, but why assume they lack character?

Huh? Unanimous jury is required. Had the two black women not wanted to convict they could have refused and there would have been a hung jury.

Are they not free to leave Tulsa?

Yes, I do give black women credit for the courage of their convictions.