On the plus side, when the inside of your head is filled with nothing but old playbook pages, chewing gum wrappers and Trump bumper stickers, concussions don’t do as much damage.
On the plus side, when the inside of your head is filled with nothing but old playbook pages, chewing gum wrappers and Trump bumper stickers, concussions don’t do as much damage.
Hey, brosef. I didn’t say she was wrong. Settle down.
Umm, Gisele... Hate to break it to you, but he might just be that dumb.
“If you test the PSI on his brain I expect you will find it is well below the acceptable minimum.”
Gisele: I’ve been feeding him increasingly ridiculous foods to see whether he has any critical reasoning left, but to no avail. I’m afraid he’s lost at least 5% of his brain.
I’m with you, solely because I hate the combat and inventory.
For a game like Mass Effect to have animation as detailed as this, they’d either have to hire 1 million animators or they’d have to work on the animations for about 10 years.
I had almost completely forgotten the Kobe-Nash-Howard-Gasol “Super Team” that never was. Watching how long it took the sports media to just accept that the team actually sucked was fun.
I personally am thrilled at the notion of seeing the Lakers draft Ball, his janky-ass jumper, and his albatross of a father.
Why can’t we just start laughing now?
When the Lakers are out of playoff contention by January, and Lavar is telling Lonzo “Look son, building solid fundamental skills, for the future of the franchise, ain’t gonna sell no $300 Big Ballers.....So go out there and jack up 40 shots a night.” I think the Lakers might feel differently about avoiding disaster.
I have no interest in basketball, but it’s pretty amazing what an incredible dipshit that guy is.
Is someday now? I’m pretty amused now.
It took me a minute to get into it, but once I got out into the larger world, it got really, really good.
It’s probably not your type, yea, but you’ve missed out on what I feel is the greatest game of this generation.
They did, Injustice doesn’t have 100 hours of cutscenes to work through.
That’s some impressive facial animation. How I hoped other AAA games (coff coff mass effect coff coff) could have this kind of production value...
You’re comparing apples to oranges. ME:A uses lip-sync and facial animation software for all of it’s dialogue.
Just compare the length of all the dialogues in Injustice 2 and in Mass Effect 4 Andromeda. Yes, ME4 could be better and what they have done is kind of lazy but let’s be realistic here, you can’t compare both titles.
I admire the work they put in, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel a little off to me. Guess it just takes some getting used to.