As opposed to all those child porn connoisseurs who have very refined, upscale tastes.
As opposed to all those child porn connoisseurs who have very refined, upscale tastes.
There’s someone in my supposedly liberal, progressive community who went to prison for “porn” featuring adolescent girls. To this day people here defend him and even claim that he was victimized because it wasn’t “real” kiddie porn. Meaning some of the girls had breasts and looked like they could have been of age.…
That trooper just gave Josh a lecture. That wasn’t an official police notification. The report we’ve all seen was 3.5 years after the event - and 3 years is the statute of limitations on that in AR.
Since we know most of the victims had to be prepubescent...I wonder if the fact that in their religion little girls are never considered presexual might lead to him seeing them as just as useful as the sister who had actually hit puberty. Their faith is as concerned with little girls showing “skin” as it is with…
Yeah, I don’t think he needs to have been molested himself to do this. He’s raised in an environment where even thinking about sinning is just as bad as the sin, and there’s no outlet for sexual curiosity.
Plus... I mean... how many times a day were mom and dad getting it on? For this family to have birthed 19 children, my guess is that the Duggar house is basically an orgy. No kidding these boys grow up obsessed with sex.
It wouldn’t surprise me too much if that’s why their dad wants a constant stream of young kids in the house. But I think more likely it’s more to do with repression and a culture where women/girls are supposed to be meek and if they get abused it’s their fault.
That’s definitely how these kind of evangelical and fundamentalist types think, yeah. Some Christians (not sure how many! ) do think that doing whatever and then just saying “sorry God” and the magical born-again lines don’t cut it, though, that you have to actually live a good life and accept the real consequences of…
Don’t forget Michelle Duggar’s robocall against a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance.
“We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing.”
I’ve said this before about the Duggars, but in light of recent news, maybe bears a repeat...
The Duggar’s have always fought against marriage equality, arguing that granting rights to LGBTQ’s would be an endorsement of child molestation.
I’m going to watch something uplifting and not disturbing.
Whenever I read or think about the Duggars, I feel gross.. Like 19-kids-came-out-of-me gross.
LOL, are you seriously this revisionist because you love Mindy Kaling that much. One can enjoy her in every regard without being factually wrong about BJ Novak’s career trajectory and the reason he’s in a relationship with her. You know how many white guys who were actors on The Office didn’t have writing or producer…
The same coattails where he has writing and producer credits on ‘The Office”.
I used to work for the tabloids, so it’s not a question of if I have a story, but which one I tell the Jezzies.
There was the time Dave Navaro refused to be interviewed unless I gave him a blow-job. He had just married Carmen Electra.
There was the time on a red carpet that a very drunk Gary Busey asked me how, a…
A person who chooses not to act out their natural sexual impulse due to fear of their family will absolutely be emotionally warped. What you call "choosing faith" in this instance should be called "killing a part of ones self to avoid shame and rejection".
Westboro is minuscule compared to the rest of the religious world, and more often that not their presence draws people of various backgrounds to stand against their hateful ways.