
Why the hate on the Rewards card and Game Informer? I think both of these are awesome. And since I subscribe to game informer anyways, why the hell wouldn't I get the rewards pro card with it since it comes with the subscription. (for the same price) Yet, I agree with the pre-order problems, that can be really

It's awesome you got to at least talk to them. But yeah, I remember playing Double Dash with my cousin, and man would I love to see that return. So seeing as Nintendo said that it was tough to do on the gamecube due to it tasking the hardware too much, why not make it happen again now that you have a HD-console.

Finally, something that made me laugh out loud literally today. Thanks!

This... Was... On... Tele...?

I have yet to watch any of these VGA/Xs, I do like the idea of awarding game developers though the same way as a movie studio could get awarded in a different awards show, but what I'm really trying to say is I am glad I have never wasted anytime of my life watching these atrocities.

Yet, Halo is the only game I will most likely purchase an xbone for. Destiny is on PS4, (which I think is the better of the two, just my opinion) and titanfall will most likely end up on PC eventually anways.

Yet, Halo is the only game I will most likely purchase an xbone for. Destiny is on PS4, (which I think is the better of the two, just my opinion) and titanfall will most likely end up on PC eventually anways.