
If it wasn't for the whole "Need to have a PC near to use them" thing, I'd buy these to develop on.

November 5th: The day a bunch of bored kids on 4chan download LOIC, and point it at facebook.

You've never met a cosplayer have you?

The structure of his sentence implies that they will have to get water from 7 inches of (penis).

if that much comes out, may god help the man it came from.

Well, when it comes down to the finer points like, what you get for what you pay, you're buying into the tablet role instead of what something like a regular notebook laptop would be for. Instead of lugging around a laptop to a meeting, or walking room to room holding up and trying to navigate a laptop, you get a

This episode just doesn't feel right...

You can't go around putting single and multiplayer content hours in the same category.

Scale up a Gundam so that Bellcross can fit in it. I'd buy the shit out of that game...

Gundam Vs. Gundam Next (or Next+ for PSP)

Yes. And I still love it....

You have to consider the fact that the Vita is an entirely separate entity from the PS3 and not just a controller.

A great big bag of broken glass?!

Kwame can be Gizmodo's new sensationalism expert.

The Section Boss

So.... what you're saying is "You smelt it, you dealt it?" Because that's totally what you're saying.

S4 League. I don't know how the same people who created DJ Max could bring such an injustice upon the world.

Something tells me I should pull my information from Paypal before another Information starts....

I wonder how the conversation between a child and the parent who just sold them would go.

One of my favorite games recently changed the main system font (which unsurprisingly is EVERYWHERE, even the scoreboards) to Comic Sans. Looks like utter shit. q.q