@Azel: If they changed the key, it would break every single game already released.
@Azel: If they changed the key, it would break every single game already released.
@hiryu3: Wiibrator.
@alexander.cardosa: Most of the <6 year olds I know would just disregard it. They're all about playing with each other or watching tv.
@Cygnar: It's uncomfortable to hold, and doesn't have all of the games other people want to play, as well as PSN giving some people problems.
Who buys a DS for kids under 6 anyway?
@justinpe: My droid has an Amazon MP3 app. So does my blackberry.
@PHXPhoto: I put on my anaglyph glasses, this is actually a horrible effect.
They forgot to Earth-bend in 3d, although that wouldn't make the movie any less of a piece of shit.
Japanese girls.
Looks like i'm retailing these for once.
@Batmanuel: Hmm, I guess the best way to reply is something like this. It's like a Spanish week on Gizmodo, and theres a post with a full set of spanish lessons.
@Batmanuel: 3D week would be pretty boring when only the 0.000001% of Gizmodo readers with 3d monitors would be able to see any of the things being posted.
@Skydog: They weren't necessarily defending just property. A lot of people who rob stores try to shoot the person at the counter for an easier getaway.
@PunkRockMachine: Please, please be specific next time.
Sorry Lame Castle, I'ma let you finish and all, but Robot Unicorn Attack is definitely the best endless runner games of all time.
I almost came when I first saw Smugleaf with Excalibur's cane and hat.
I buy 1 year subscriptions of xbox live to people who have xboxes but don't tell me what they want.