That not just any teabag, that's a furious "EATTHISMOTHAFUCKIN'SACK!" teabag. Such fury. Wow.
That not just any teabag, that's a furious "EATTHISMOTHAFUCKIN'SACK!" teabag. Such fury. Wow.
Jeets: "Don't be such a puss brah."
Just because you got lucky RNG doesn't mean the rest of the community is pathetic for farming...
The game exploits our time by making the drop rate horrendous. It is only fair we get some leg up on the competition!
No need to be an asshat...asshat.
Now this means we get to spend more time with Phogath, the punk bitch that he is.
As long as the drop rate in high level strikes goes up, I'm fine with this. The strikes are more fun, take a minimal amount of time, and offer some satisfaction of accomplishing something (even if you've done them before). Just have the boss drop 3 engrams every time and be done with it.
The only public event you should be worried about is our Sunday sermon.
100% agreed. If gaming companies were more transparent it would avoid a major PR headache, but then again they would sell so many copies if people new what they were getting. A Double-edged sword if you will.
I think the biggest issue with this game was the hype that it created. From the get-go I think Bungie was just putting out a foundation for 2+ years of more content. This game will be relevant for a while and I think games in general are all headed in this direction. No beef with this game at all and its only going to…