You can never trust anyone that has a Oldmobile Aurora lurking in the background.
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
There’s a reason Vipers had by far the industry-wide highest-dollar accident insurance claims of any car - for years running. People who drive them without care or respect crashed them, and they crashed them *BIG*. Like ten times the average loss big.
“The engines are pretty solid, but you should send the whole thing down to me. I’ll take care of you.” — Hennessey
That color though....makes it look like a Toyota Avalon.
I mean it’s crazy because it’s an 8.3L V10. But it’s not crazy because what they did is take that 8.3L V10 and put it into a bigger car than the one it came from.
Until you get hit for $10,000 from the rental company after they feed you BS about specially-made tires that they have to order from space.