
LMAO, glad to see I’m not the only one!

... correction : they have the expensive materials hand-glued to them by artisans.

Depends on what the next White House press release says. At times I go for a more benevolent Matrix style future. I mostly fantasize about the Terminator future and get a rage erection, though.

Sounds like the same old story... IBM is working on an interesting bit of technology, but management, ignorant of how it actually works, are blowing its capabilities way out of proportion. Throw marketing into the mix and you get an even bigger clusterfuck because not only do you have ignorance, but also outright

You don’t know the worst part about all this?

With great superpowers comes great YouTube personality responsibilities.

It’s semi-hilarious that you are inept enough to think that you can’t. At least on their personal devices and your home network.

My wife is 5'2" and does this on trips. I assume it’s for the same reason why I like putting my feet up on an ottoman...

I have no sympathy for people who still don’t wear seat belts. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Why not waterboarding and then a slow death from untreated pneumonia?

This app is potent!

Mmmmmm...titanium and inconel.....is engi-rection a word?

So... ostracizing people for trying to create discussion around controversial issues? Great idea. Note my sarcasm.

Nope. He’s already been hired by other parties. The outrage is all flash, no substance.

*Guy says things supported by actual science.*

Nope, no one care if a game is fun to play anymore only if it’s atmospheric :|

Okay but like are you enjoying yourself at all? Is it fun? Because like...what you wrote sounds like the opposite of fun.

I’m going to respectfully disagree about Mass Effect. I loved the games, but the codex entries were not one the reasons why. I ended up reading most of them in ME1, and would occasionally do so in the sequels. And just wish I hadn’t. Everything you can learn in them happens within the plot at some point, so it’s just

Honorable Mention: Item descriptions!

I have a fondness for audio diaries when done right; they help fill in walks between point A and point B.