40hrs is nothing for a game.
40hrs is nothing for a game.
Seriously? the share button doesnt work on PS4?!
“Doesn’t happen much anymore, but I always used swerve around mcDonald’s bags and such in the road thinking there were bombs in them or something. Which obviously there never was...”
Glad im not the only one who didnt know what model this was.
Right on, this makes super farmers like me who do similar stuff, but never to this level feel better about it. Way to go!
Keyboard warrior with no actual info to the rescue!!! tip your trilbys, all of the internet, he is here to save you!
Neat! Revolutions was just awful but a few in the series that will be included were pretty stand out, so this would be worth getting if you payed through all of them multiple times like my wife and i have. i want UN2 remastered for ps4, hope that bring that one along sine theres only about a dozen total games int eh…
“Life is simple, you make choices and you don’t look back”
I got this game for 1.99 on sale. no regrets
craigslist and pull youre payment info, so they can buy more shit. may violate TOS from Sony, but if the other person is chill with it, no one will know.
Except it has, thanks for sharing your asshole opinion
Yeah, looks like all the money went to the CG alchemy effects too, really weak post production on those clips isnt helping...
Asian Edward Elric looks stupid as hell. All of Amestra was supposed to represent an Anglo nation, along with the oppression of the darker skinned people with different eyes....FFS. aybe Roy Mustang looked slightly Asian and few other “white” characters, but ugh, looks like a bad cosplay.
but he should be with prison rape
Why is Andy from The Office in the desert again?
Well you could quit pissing and moaning and see if there is another motorcycle news site somewhere on the internet, chances are prob low though...
I really want to play this game but it looks so tedious. I played through about 90% of one of the older Persona games, but never got around to finish it. Ive got so many new games im playing through. Screw it, in off to finally platinum Kingdoms of Amalur
stark fro the typo
But to allow such an opportunity to for snobbery get by would be affront the the whole idea....
Ah beer snobs, you, and coffee snobs, must have such trouble enjoying those fine beverages with you head inside your own anus.