Wow, actually used the term hall effect. Is it weird that got me excited? I mean not sexually, just a little giddy bc getting more technical is awesome and the mechanics who work for me couldnt spell that.
Wow, actually used the term hall effect. Is it weird that got me excited? I mean not sexually, just a little giddy bc getting more technical is awesome and the mechanics who work for me couldnt spell that.
Must have been the smallest swiss army knife if those are the charges.
Yeah, just like cramming all of the original dragon ball story into 1 movie, lets just rush through 418 minutes of anime and cram it into 90 minutes including all the extra crap plush crappy cg chakra in slow mo.....uh
Micheal Cera as Naruto would be the only version i would watch. We all know it will be an abortion so lets t least be able to laugh our asses off at it.
“reading are hard.” Bless you! I’m stealing this.
Link to whatever this is? com on!
Yeah, that turned me off for a while, but its just so good.
Same here. the fight was 1 spell and an Amriger chain, shich looked really cool bc mid air she fights in a similar looking fashion. I meant ti upload the fight, but havent gotten around to it. I did save it though bc it was over so fast.
Wow! Not my experience at all! I unleashed my Armiger immediately after casting a massive chain spell and did the minimum dmg for the fight to end rigth before she activated her special attack. I got to see it, but it did no damage and went straight to a cut-scene. :/
Im the opposite, but they wont let me make my own sandwich anymore; still have my shirt though. I enjoyed the gig for a while, especially bc our boss would bring in beer for the closing shifts. And as much free meat as you could wrap in bacon and stuff in your mouth when no one looked.
I havent seen anything about this or the original show that appealed to me. Not enough digging into stuff and too much british wanking.
Im buying it next week. I really enjoyed this game and i hope the additional DLC make it playable longer. I hit platinum on it in two weeks and i still want more.
The stamina band alone for those who are having trouble leveling their survival skill is worth it. That was my 3rd skill to max, it was kinda a pain though when there chocobos to ride
One of the few places i worked at when i was younger i still love to eat at. Its also a nice laxative, but i love it.
Im might have to get one of these. I need a good rice cooker anyway with the 100+lbs my wife and i eat a year, but a pressure cooker would be nice.
Im might have to get one of these. I need a good rice cooker anyway with the 100+lbs my wife and i eat a year, but a…
Bleh! i could only get through the first blitsball tourney and then had to set it down forever. it was awful.
pfft. i have over 500 hrs on FFXII. My clocklaughs at your clock. My wife has 300 hrs on one run alone.
Yeah, its a heavy bitch, but not a bad commuter.