yes! i beat this game probably a dozen times and enjoyed every bit of it!
yes! i beat this game probably a dozen times and enjoyed every bit of it!
Never played it is it worth finding on ebay or resale shop? I still have a running original xbox...what a great buy that was! Otogi and Otogi 2 alone!
No PS4?! come on! Ive been waiting for that so my wife can play it!
Arkansas, of course, what dont we do badly?
You really want a sick laugh, watch the out takes from the brotherhood series. i almost peed myself laughing! Its the best!
Thats a set of shag i wouldnt complain about.
Stuff i knew, but needed to see anyway.
At least you can own it like a champ!
The look on the first riders face as he rolls up on him. Hes almost about to bust out laughing.
So how high were the makers of this list, some great films and some truly abysmal pieces of film...
Nice, i have a GBA. well GB Micro. Ill have to keep a lookout.
Ah, still no intelligent reply. Couldnt even use proper grammar on this one. How sad. You are a first world problem. Whiny bitches who mouth of with no understanding of the ideas they spout.
Just grab XP an run it on a partition or USB for that matter. Its not hard. I collect older computers just for this reason. Some are more foot rests than computer now, but i can put them all back together ^_^
Aw, its PC only?! i was hoping for something console based. I have 5 computers at home some still running windows 98 so it wouldnt be a problem. im gonna have to hook one up for that.
Oh, i know that car well, its always the last car i buy in Gran Turismo. Thanks for the info though, thats pretty cool! Definitely the most beautiful car photo i have seen!
Why oh why cant Forza start releasing on PS systems too! I shoulda bought a XB1...
My goodness! Ive never even heard of that one. Im gonna have to check it out. NFS hasnt ever had physics worth a damn, but thats half the fun! Its a nice break from some of the intense races or even other genres of games that make your heart race.
Holy $%#*! Thats one of the best car pics i have ever seen!
Pretty obvious in the top illustration there are multiple ways to avoid a single fatality in that situation if that is indeed on given in this assessment.
Your not worth the effort, but your ignorance is hilarious! Not of the abbreviation that is well known and easily google-able, but the fact that you think the manufacturing of that bolt is a problem and not a glorious evidence to the contrary. Just. Plain. Stupid.