
best day at my old job, boss set a dipstick on the sub-frame, it fell off and contacted the battery positive and frame, he grabbed it real quick in a panic and burned it into his hand. I dont miss that job, but that was funny as hell!

Is it sad the exhaust made me cringe the most?

She looks super happy to get arrested too!

its just volume and force actually. the force is volts, hence the term “electromotive force”. it would be more factual to compare it to radiation. It has a huge of mount of energy in each particle, but your cool when its an ultra low volume/amount of particles, let it spike and you die from it. (or become the hulk)

i dont know what dimension the author is from but they just about had a mass extinction when the Ps3 came out...

Hopefully that doesnt mean all anime should be shorter. I need longer eps personally, of course, that would different series i am referring to.

Aw, no mention in the nunchaku, which was a farm tool implemented for martial arts purposes similar to the kusari-gama :(

not to mention selling the car in the first place

A true fan, but have you watched all of “Thats My Bush”? A truly great TV series that should be going as long as S.P.

I know you gun nuts hate it, but this makes me want my concealed carry even more. When you have to start worrying about getting hit by a car anywhere there are vehicles nearby, itd be nice to know you can just aim for the right side of the windshield and possibly save yourself and others.

Yes, it was actually happenstance; but most people dont know the difference.

Ironically i almost said the same to you. your bullheadedness and narrow-minded thinking is very familiar of said presidential candidate... of course so is his habit of painting his own faults on others, so there’s another indicator...so whats the real story behind the hair man?

Wow! Just wow, so stupid, so ignorant. Just plain dumb maybe. Wow!

Flying at an altitude of “way the fuck over your head” that idea. Apparently short sightedness is one of your strong suit ;)

Talk about literally re-making the same game over and over again. The day COD series ends is the day i will celebrate a victory for true gaming.

its that kind of close minded thinking that ed to brexit, a different path same thought process..... so now how do you feel?

For me too! I wish i could get my PS2 emulator up and running. I really tried X. i tried it about 8 years ago and hated it. I bought the PS4 version and thought it was really pretty but still hated. blitzball was so stupid i almost sold it right then, but pushed through, quite a way through actually and still hated


Really?! a fleet version of the Club Car Precedent isnt a standard cart by any mean. I guess for a bare bones course.

Meh, if your igloo or even yeti isnt keeping your beer cold enough, you take too long to play.