
What do you mean someone stole my TV because I left my front door wide open!?

@crazypills77: Don't forget to mention where you work to Verizon, often times there are very big discounts for certain employers (Home Depot, Gap, USPS, etc)

Brave Fencer Musashi

@freedomweasel: Virtual simulation is a legitimate way of training people.

Video games taught me how to handle a car in emergency situations.

Reminds me of this game... :)

@kompeitou: By "it's apple" do you mean its a poor value?

@Gigaflare: This is exactly what I have been saying for 5 years.

@deanb: I'm saying he should buy a few SSDs. He can buy a standard HDD too as they are really cheap, but he should lean on his SSDs as much as possible.


Three things will make the NGP a must buy: games, non-games (apps), and complementary interaction.

The XMB was as clean as it gets.

I refuse to even consider buying a car that can't even live up to what it says badge.

Musashi or Kojiro.

Geez people. In a database, numbers like these stick out on PURPOSE. It's called a placeholder.

Rash, Pimple, or Zit.