
@Mark 2000: So they built something that the fans wanted?

I love when Japan makes sports cars.

@venc: My X-25Ms are noticably quicker than my velociraptors. SSD have ruined other computers for me.

Well it's not beige...so yay for that...

Ah, the downside of technological convergence.

@bakura: The original MGS you could potentially buy 4 times. It's available for download on PSN.

@schwartzki: I always thought it was because the American workers were the reason behind the drop in quality.

@excaliburps: Actually, I'm pretty sure piracy on the PS3 is still not a serious issue (yet).


The upside: If you have a strict coffee budget this might be a great way to stick to.

@Lando Cash: If you want quality, then you would ignore all recording and capturing features on all phones. They don't hold a candle to dSLRs still and video capturing.

@Yeah!: Your argument didn't start out as specs but merely about how something looked.

@Yeah!: Rose tint? C'mon, if you can't admit that the phone has pretty good video capturing performance then that's sad.

@Yeah!: Do you need a refill? That glass of yours looks half-empty.

@drongch: That's why his chair doesn't have arms.

Ten years ago I was using Microsoft Encarta.

@cletus2: Are you talking about VAT?

@OniCr0w: That was when gaming devices were still actually MADE IN JAPAN, I dunno if that kind of abuse would be survivable these days.