
@Fernando Paramo: From a business standpoint, there doesn't seem to be a need for the Wii to change the price.

Solid numbers all around!

@MrBangBam: He's guarding the flag and waiting for Donut, who gets mistaken to be a general, to come and pick it up. Unfortunately, he's all out of headlight fluid and elbow grease.

Sorry, but I prefer to get my Protoss on.

@Therodofgod: How is the 360 being an unreliable system a retarded arguement? You'd be hardpressed to find anyone on this site that would disagree with its reliability issues, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys alike. It's been out for 3 years and it STILL has problems that have been known about since day one, so

@ManekiNeko: I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the MH games never sell spectacularly on consoles.

@Stru: Glad you're enjoying the PS3. It really doesn't get the credit it deserves.

@ca$h: Sounds a lot like you're trying to defend it. And it's not really fair to say that it's half the price, because to get full functionality of the system, further investment is needed (harddrive, continuous LIVE fees) and then to be as functional and feature-rich as the PS3, requires an even greater amount. It's

@thatonebigdude: You obviously missed the internet orientation class.

I hope Michael Vick gets the cover.

Right now, I feel so bad for Konami.

@midniteavatar: People can't wait 5 seconds for screens to load, I can't imagine how they would be able to wait hours for games to download. Digital distribution, eventually. However, count on a blu-ray becoming the format of choice next gen.

@Placentasaurus: Why is it that The United States loves the Madden games so much? They are all almost literally the same game. Are the Americans secretly morbidly obese football loving morons with chrome wheels on their cars? They sure seem to love them some mindless repetitive tasks.

@DigitalHero: Didn't get the memo? It's cool to hate Sony! C'mon everybody's doing it!

I would like some Queen please. More Journey, Boston, Foreigner would be good too.

@Santar: Kojima didn't just make MGS4 you know? I have yet to play a game where his name is somewhere in the credits that I did not enjoy.

That gap between the Wii and the PS3 is smaller than normal...let's just say it's just over a number between 8 thousand and 10 thousand.

@Okari: That is the wrong attitude to have about video games...or anything really.

@Caleb O Brien: That's true! Japan = The Mirror of the US? I wonder if their news stories spell doom for MS as much as the news here that spell doom for Sony.