
(Sorry, I’m going to fanboy the fuck out here for a minute.)

they were released back into the wild a year after they were captured”. Now I'm imagining some bemused fishermen passing by a bunch of seals as one of them randomly starts barking out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

My God, there’s blood everywhere!

Why wouldn’t the next Indiana Jones movie feature a talking dog instead of Harrison Ford?

I didn’t know how badly I NEEDED to see that final half hour until I was watching it. Seeing Giant Man punch a space whale!?! That was incredible.

I was stuck on the poster between Groot and Falcon before I realized it was Hope van Dyne.

“fucking Bucky” is one of the best characters in the MCU! I’m completely ready to defend this. Let’s do it!

that’s weird.  Looks more like Gimli. I was wondering how Gimli fit into all this. 

I’m glad I’m not the only one!

Thanks for clearing that up for me!

Yeah, since when did Bucky have a fully grown beard?

I agree with you on cgi v puppets. But since cgi is still awesome. Watching jurassic Park 1 now it still amazing. They did wonders with that cgi. Sometimes I like shitty cgi, but overall real > cgi

Farscape had its ups and downs as a series, but it’s aged a lot better than just about any of its peers, and there’s a lesson there: a puppet may look goofy when you film it, but it will look exactly as goofy, no more and no less twenty years later, whereas 20 year old CGI compositing will look like complete and total

Jake Johnson represents the every man very well. His voice just has that beaten down sarcastic tone. His run as nick on new girl was fantastic too. 

Hands down my favorite part of Into the Spiderverse was the older, slightly paunchy, Jake Johnson Spiderman. I’m at a place in my life where I just really connected and sympathized with that character.

I didn’t care about many of these characters, or watch their shows or movies, so they didn’t matter much. But the one I cared about is gone. and wasn’t mentioned. Phil Coulson of Agents of SHIELD was given a farewell. Yes, it’s probably that Clark Gregg, perhaps the luckiest supporting actor of this generation, wants

I miss the 2002 show, too, and I hope that its failure isn’t the reason He-Man hasn’t teamed up with his sister yet on Netflix. I thought the original She-Ra was the more interesting of the two shows (although I adore the Skeletor memes, and I was hoping the new Netflix show would introduce a few new ones), but the

In the Marvel “well, this death isn’t quite the death you think it is” category.... AGENTS OF SHIELD...

I’m not upset they aren’t going to do anything with he-man, just disappointed. I liked the 1st season. I’m watch the others with my girls. I would like he-man introduced or a spin off of his own. But I would also like a ton of other things that might never happen.

Just cast Isla fisher and no one would notice.