
Well I'm sure a movie about a heist of his book wouldn't make him the main character. The people in the heist would be the main people. I think he wouldn't want to take a backseat in a movie about him, so I bet he would want to play a robber. Get Andy Samberg to play Nic Cage. Then Nic Cage can play the robber with a

I admit that made me smile. That was pretty cool. Good job kid.

This man was awesome. I like the work shone here.

I saw a penis on the internet the other day and I thought well that's just... that's just fine.

Now playing

I personally like 6 as the best. 7 was amazing at the time, but not better then 6. While most of the series are epic games in scope. 6 was levels above epic. You did have the large cast that you cared about. It's branching story lines. Then you go out to fight the main villain. You might win the battle but the world

I think they do a fairly good job and they taste pretty good. I have tried the powder and it isn't bad. I just prefer the liquid stuff. I'm not saying try to make some lemonade with it, but for a little lemon or lime flavor it works pretty good for a $1. And it is made from the real stuff (concentrate though).

I would rather buy a lemon or lime juice thing. The bottle is as big as a lemon/lime and costs $1. I could see this being useful for oranges.

You know what would have been easier? Just talk to her about it and say I don't mind it at all. I would rather not hear it though. Could you please put a sock on the door so I know to just hang out at the bar before coming home?

Snorkie talk man

Yay a tip I suggested was used!!!

Oh god *fap fap fap* elbow is uncovered *fap fap fap* and look there. *FAP FAP FAP* is that a shoulder? *FAPFAPFAPFAP*

*spoiler for WW*

Instead he looks like this guy, but without the no ratting out your friends aspect.

But which are the 2 hackers who fell in love over hacking the gibson?

Please don't ban me, but I haven't watched Game of Thrones yet. But I assumed that this is what the opening was from. Simpsons are good like that. Also did anyone catch what I assume was the one man singing the theme during the end credits. I know that video of the guy singing it was on Giz last month I think.

Sure they can take the pain, but I can go outside anytime I want. I also have a soul. So gingers 1 me 2.

I assume that this isn't 50,000 songs, but could be 1000 songs. Just maybe different takes. Him messing around. Maybe instrument tracks. Might not be all original. Could be only 50 new songs and him singing his old stuff or covers.

true story, and you can see a hustler Hollywood sign from the chard remains of the savinator

Everyone who wasted 6 years of their lives was a sucker. I only wasted a month the moment lost ended.