
Thanks for the tip!

WHERE IS BARB?!?!?!!!!1

I hope they’re in there! I really don’t need anymore Clefairys or Jigglypuffs.

Yeah, it’s making around two million a day and just crossed the one billion total worldwide mark last month.

I totally agree. It would be a complete waste to release these now when it’s too cold to go out walking in half the country.

I had a similar situation seeing three or four burka clad women coming out of Harrods. Again they were surrounded by bodyguards and followed by what looked like an army of Harrods employees, completely loaded with bags going out to a few limousines. It looked like a couple of the limousines were there just to carry

Everything I know in life I learned from “Sex and the City 2"

We’re NOT working toward the same goal. Fuck these people. They don’t give a shit about black women.

It’s sad. There is no unity. I didn’t even bother going to the marches. Black people need to look out for ourselves.

So you want a bunch of white women to show up at BLM protests and overwhelm the ACTUAL BLACK PEOPLE?! That’s fucking bullshit. BLM NEEDS to stay centered on BLACK PEOPLE.

How many black men were at this march? It’s the same thing. People only have so much time to protest and not everyone is a black handicapped trangendered immigrant.

Even if he did, God Emperor Trump would just overturn it in a month.

Sad, he didn’t look bad as a man!