
That was shocking. Agents of SHIELD was given, Agent Carter was a nice surprise but Galavant was shocking. But I’m not complaining. I got everything I wanted (plus Muppets are coming).

Squirrel Girl.

Yeah, but calling someone out on their wedding bullshit is, like, the best friend’s job, not the photographer who’s being paid probably a lot of money to be there.

I know someone who had a huge lavish wedding with 15 Bridesmaids (which meant they then had to recruit 15 groomsmen, you know, to match)....the marriage lasted a little over a year.

OMG, what can I do with this extra reason to hate them? I was already set.

ugh these two trolls again. I’m going to paraphrase/repurpose a Yiddish expression my Grandparents used to say and go with “ May they own a house with a thousand rooms and be found dead in every one of them”.

“Here’s Siegel’s account of how he swung the election in Bush’s favor: “Whenever I saw a negative article about [Al] Gore, I put it in with the paychecks of my 8,000 employees. I had my managers do a survey on every employee. If they liked Bush, we made them register to vote. But not if they liked Gore. The week

Bringing back Coulson was not his idea, as he made clear a few weeks ago. And despite his (not to mention his family’s) connection to the show, he had no qualms about recently going on record about how much he believes the existence of the show robs the first movie of its emotional impact. That is surely not a

Again, I’m not judging his behavior. I’m just describing it. I think it would be fair to question whether these comments are altogether professional, but that’s not what I’m doing. I’m just pointing out that as he’s stepping away—supposedly out of pure exhaustion—he’s giving interviews that could reasonably (correctly

The other thought I just had while contemplating the Punisher in the MCU besides embroiling him as a major supporting character in the Netflix series is that maybe this is the moment for a Black Widow solo film with Tom Hardy’s Punisher as the semi-antagonist.

This is how you get ants. Is that what you want? Ants?

I wonder how much clout he really has as a director, though. He’s made four movies. Serenity was bomb. He made a vanity Shakespeare thing, and both Avengers. He’s made two movies that made a ton of money, but both of them were probably going to make a ton of money, with or without him. And neither of them are what you

To observe that somebody is testy or irritable is not a judgment unless you’re saying they have no reason or right to be that way. I have no opinion as to whether he should be testy. If I had an opinion on that, you could say that I was either endorsing or rebuking him for his attitude. I am doing neither, so I am not

i dont know at this point it really does feel like Whedon kills people off just for kicks. You are telling me the guy that was moving at hypersonic speed all movie couldnt dodge a few bullets?

I disagree, there are no stakes, we already know who lives, I knew somebody was going to die because Whedon is Whedon. By a process of elimination, It couldn’t have been any of the old cast because contracts and star power. It was down to the new guys, I eliminated Scarlet because she was a woman, and god they need

I think with better writing you can have the same feeling of consequences without arbitrarily killing someone. It worked with Coulson because we got to know him first. For me personally, with Pietro, it just felt like Whedon being Whedon for the sake of Whedon. Even if they didn't follow through with Planet Hulk,

Because something something war movie. Which I consider a major stretch to begin with, and as others have pointed out, we barely got to know Pietro. I loved the character and saw a lot of potential for him to move on and grow and fill that void that Magneto leaves in the MCU.

It felt very disingenuous for me, especially the second time around, to make what I refer to as ‘a war movie’ and say that there is no price and everybody walks away.

Whedon seems to be getting really testy lately. And I mean before the whole BW dust up. He again went on record that he thought the Ant Man film Marvel decided against was the best MCU script ever. Then he basically said the whole premise behind AoS was an affront to the first Avengers film to the point that he chose