
In my humble opinion, Juliette and Nick's relationship seems like it stalled all the way through Season 1, then slammed into the Juliette memory loss debacle of Season 2, careened half-mad through the Renard hate sex bit to wind up being dragged out even further once she FINALLY got her memories back, it's been Quite

I know what you mean, especially since Kol had so many stories to tell and wicked games to play, it seemed like an utter waste of his potential. With all that build up from the promos and the Ghost Army he got together, but then getting trapped so easily by dead Bonnie, whose spells no longer even worked after she'd

Yeah, I'm terribly confused about that too. Why even bother hiring an actor if they never show his face and after like two episodes are going to replace him with an already permanent cast member. At the end I just thought the CW had blown their entire budget on prom dresses and hair stylists and could no longer afford

Back in the day I adored Roswell and watched it religiously, but none of these really look that great. Just the same old CW crap, full of nothing more than love triangles and boring cardboard teeny bopper characters played by 30 year olds who technically can't act their way out of a paper bag. So long as Julie Plec is

OMFG, are you crazy! That shit's volatile, it could come alive and kill us ALL!

That moment when Juliette walks out of the shop was pure torture to the point that I found myself yelling, "You turn around Right Now, Missy, and Get your butt back in there!" Luckily, this time she listened, so I could forgive her. Finally, she's no longer stumbling around bawling about her boyfriend/memory troubles.

To be honest, I was more than a little worried through the first half of the show, thinking the whole thing might be about Nick's mundane guy problems. Not being able to keep his dinner invitations straight, forcing Munroe to eat twice as much veggie steak as usual(that could really mess up his Pilates routine),


Ah, well, at least they killed Shane off, he was quite an asshole.

But they really didn't need to complete that hunters mark, since Shane had already been to the cave and knew the way from memory. It seemed like all the knowledge from Shane made the whole hunters mark unnecessary and nothing more than a plot contrivance.

I'm hoping Juliette is SOMEDAY going to get through all her Nick conundrums, because one more scene of her dripping the weepies all over her friends might make me lose it. Is it too late for her to go join Hank on vacation for the rest of the season? Or they could just run off together and we'll be done with the both

I adore these guys in all their campy guilty pleasure 80's synthesized brilliance. This video made my day, cause I'd heard a stupid rumor that they were breaking up, yet, Here they are continuing in their epic mission to both bewilder and delight the world of tomorrow, Today! Can't help loving them, I was a Huge fan

Better Off Dead works every time for me. Best John Cusack 80's movie ever!

This episode raised a great many questions for me. Such as, are all bull Wesen crazy haired dumbasses, or was this particular Bull Wesen hit with the stupid stick a few too many times? Maybe his frantic efforts to save people stealing rocks by accosting and jibbering nonsensically at them has, over the years, addled

I couldn't help but get the feeling they're trying to reinvent Game of Thrones for vampires with the whole King Klaus and his heir schtick. But what seems to have completely slipped their minds is the fact that an immortal King has no need for an heir. Because he's the "Hybrid" Klaus is supposed to be unkillable, not

Omfg, the things that Bastard is going to bring to this show! Can't wait! Even though it's going to be insanely horrific to see.

Spoilers!! Omfg, the things that Bastard is going to unleash upon this show! Can't wait! Even though it's going to be insanely horrible to see him in action.

Maybe she's just lactose intolerant or something similar and cannot control her constant silent farts of deadliness. Poor kiddo.

This episode left me disappointed in the fact that Elijah did not rip out any hearts. I don't think he knows yet that Kol is dead or he wouldn't be calling Elena "compassionate". There isn't anything compassionate about committing genocide or killing off someone for warning others of impending doom. Granted, Kol was

The Beard of Brian Blessed is a god, the greatest Beard ever!