
Great episode, love Team Wu, although Munroe is awesome in his cute, clock geek Wesen way. I'm so happy to see Wu getting more lines and hemming and hawing nonchalantly over people being horrifically sliced in two with acid. He just rolls his eyes and keeps on trucking, it'd be great to see him brought in to the Wesen

I think I just died laughing..No wait, heart still beating somehow. This is awesome

My life is complete now! Tennant is my Doctor, even though I started with Tom Baker when I was five. Allon-zy!

Lolz, sheeple!

They may already have, I haven't been back in ten years. They were pretty ferocious with their constant pillaging, keel hauling and walking o' the plank.

Whoops, forgot to say my "Arthur" doll was Hispanic, and the rest were some black, some white. So quite a little multicultural melting pot hanging out in that apple tree back home.

My favorite was my Skipper doll, but only after I gave her a sex change by chopping off her hair and renaming her Arthur. I was one hell of a tomboy, the rest of my Barbies I declared to be pirates and marooned them in the apple tree in the back yard. To this day they may still be up there, living off the apples and

Studies show that all rapes are committed by the living. Immediately unfriend all the living, problem solved!

That monkey thing in the attic was hands down the scariest thing I've ever seen on Grimm. It haunts my nightmares thanks to them, also, this episode came across as unintentionally hilarious.

No, that is not a friend, that is a bogart, screwing over people he says are his friends, but he's really just using them. I'll shed a tear for you. Sorry your friend sucks.

They're obviously just being pretentious and going for the fad, otherwise they'd know that spelt has gluten in it.


I applaud you, that's nitpicking it Grimm style! I love this show and reviewers need to get it right!

So happy there's no more baby werewolf Erin. God, that kid was obnoxious.