That video could not be any more perfect. I am completely sold. Completely.
"Tammy" made $80 million in the US despite abysmal reviews, on top of two $100m hits she's headlined (The Heat, Identity Thief) and another that made her a star (Bridesmaids), that's the kind of star power Melissa McCarthy brings just on her own. Reteaming her with Wiig and Feig — bringing the three biggest players…
Dude, GB3 happened, it was a video game. You should check it out.
This is one of those articles I look at and think:
Smosh's lewd and crude Smash Bros. rap has generated more than two million views since Friday's debut, with…
Your references to the show killed me. You think they'll do another double-date again? Slade would be great with Felicity's mom.
Direction+A 100% of the time. If you start using the C-stick out of habit, you'll deny yourself the chance to 'charge' your smashes which do a lot more damage and also serve to delay them, which is very handy if say, you go to down-smash someone and they roll through you, you can simply hold off on delivering the…
If that's the case, why didn't Vader roll up to Tatooine with his brand new goddam Death Star and blow the whole planet up
I bought it because of how highly my friends talked of it. I like it but I kinda feel lost in the game. Don't really know what I'm really doing other than killing Orcs (is that their names), and freeing slaves. Then again I'm not really into much of the LotR stuff. Though I do like it. I just lack a general direction.
It may have stolen much, but they stole the good parts and implemented them well.
25 years ago, Hollywood tried to make the Nintendo Power Glove look cool. Today's the 25th anniversary of The Wizard, the movie that was essentially a big commercial for Nintendo where Super Mario Bros. 3 was revealed to the world.
The first game is a lot of fun.