

It’s ethically problematic to buy Chinese goods, though it’s nigh impossible in 2024 to find tech items that aren’t partly or wholly assembled there. While I can’t not buy an iPhone for these reasons, I can absolutely boycott a tens of thousands of $’s automobile made in an autocratic country with a garbage human

“Hey, if the FAA wants to actually be able to tell airplanes what they can and can’t do, then it’s up to Congress to create those rules, in accord with the Founding Fathers’ vision of air travel.”

Chesterton is really the only stop I use in Indiana, its reasonable for options, on/off ease, etc. But yeah, the 80/94 stretch to the IL border is tough, and taking the Skyway/Toll Road route isn’t any better.

As someone who frequently travels between Chicago and Michigan, I am going to second the NW Indiana comment. Terrible stretches of interstate clogged with trucks and perpetually under construction, and if you aren’t stuck in a 10 mile traffic backup you’ve got to deal with people driving 90+ in clapped out Altimas and

Was Illumination rushing, or were they dragging?

Very Batmobile-y, needs to be black.

Needs more cow

Probably right. When he was in charge, either as a director or because the movie wasn’t getting made without him, he kept the age difference pretty reasonable.

Yeah, that’s an exception. But I also forgot Rene Russo, who is a year older than him. (How is she 70?????)

Starting with Untouchables, which was Patricia Clarkson and where he started having some clout, let’s look:

Sean Young (No Way Out)- 4 years younger
Susan Sarandon (Bull Durham)- 10 years older
Amy Madigan (Field of

That too.

Yeah, but I still thought it was funny in context.

That scene was creepy as hell, mind you the movie does have a lot of those type of moments.

Idiots: Madame Web is a bad movie.

Rabin’s back? Rabin’s back! Nobody mention jellybeans—we don’t want to scare him away!

Honestly, who wants to turn a vacation into something this stressful and this complicated. If I’ve got to run to make a ride because I’ve got an appointment for it at a certain time or have to choose one ride over another becase I can’t have both, and added to that, I can barely get on a fraction of the rides anyway du

My world of flops was probably THE series that I most missed. Very pleased to have it back and, yeah, Madame Web seems the perfect relaunch. 

Good god! They really are reviving the old A.V. Club, aren’t they? What’s next? A takedown review by Ignatiy? The long-prophesied return of Snarkmaster General Sean O’Neal himself?!

Private equity kills everything.

Biden always had and will have that perception no matter what he does because of his age, so that’s a given. What we’ve seen from him is the opposite.