
In that case I concur that's the best timeline.

Im such an Audrey fan that my middle name is Audrey.

For today’s soap box about elections having consequences, POTUS nominates the chair & vice chair of the NTSB. While you may not like any candidate, it is important to remember who they are going to be putting in positions like this. Seeing as Trump appointed a Verizon lawyer to run the FCC, someone who spent her life

Indeed.  So sick of the false equivalency.

But I can’t vote for Biden because _____.”

Gemini - GT86 / BRZ?

Libra - LeBaron

Partly because many find it an amusing diversion, sort of like when you order Chinese food and everyone has to read their fortunes aloud - and add “in bed” to it. You don’t have to believe in it to wonder what someone thinks is going to happen to you today. “Yeah, THAT ain’t happenin’!”

Cancer - any mid-80s vehicle. Rust is a cancer, right?

Cancer - Tesla Cybertruck

Libra - GTO Judge (Scales)

I just don’t understand the appeal of living somewhere where you can’t go outdoors for half the year.

Now playing

In Phoenix the temperature is currently: “Man’s arrogance”.

New drugs don’t drive down the price of a class of drugs. They all just sell them all for the same price. They maybe even collude to do so, but proving that is hard. Once two or three go generic, the prices will come down to compete with the generics. But prior to patents expiring, the manufacturers jack up prices in

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

Things that are 100% true that too few people believe:

That gauge cluster is very hard to read. Then again, if you’ve got enough money for one of these, you don’t need to look at gauges anyway. If anything bad happens, you just throw money at whatever the problem is until it goes away.

It’s not the “garbage” infrastructure.  It’s garbage climate policy that’s allowing temperatures to rise.

Absolutely gorgeous cluster...which also appears to be excruciatingly hard to read while actually driving the thing.

And the use of wood makes it way cooler than if the guy had used a bunch of brass and copper gears and tubing, too.