
Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

The Beatles were before my time and I suspect that has a lot to do with why I didn’t like this movie. I only like a few of their songs.

And in the 4 years he’s been running Boeing they haven’t even posted a profit. He woudn’t say if they used settlement payouts against income to offset taxes (you bet they did!). He “couldn’t recall” if any of their hundreds of millions in settlements were paid by insurance.

Some of the warmest moments in recent history for me was discovering that women are absolutely kicking down the barriers of male dominated spaces.

I’d be very interested to read any examples you can provide where a passenger was found responsible for an accident. I’m no lawyer, but that sounds like a fascinating concept to me.

Sadly true. The true talent of the Rethuglian party is getting the poors to vote against their own best interests. 

A big incentive for the resellers in this scheme is there is no penalty for a reservation reseller for a reservation not met.

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

My bank app allows generating “random” CC numbers for stuff like online shopping and the like (or for anything where you just don’t want to give out your real card #); I don’t know if US banks offer the same service, but I assume they do...

This is the kind of things that happen when the finance guys push out the engineers.  Moving corporate HQ from Seattle to Chicago to be closer to the stock markets was a pivotal moment.  

90% of the far right is a grift from top to bottom anyway, whether you’re talking about Trump, anti-vaxxers, sov-cits, preppers, prosperity gospel nutjobs, goldbugs, or any one of the hundreds of other scams out there. Frankly, I’m surprised a Trumpcoin scam took this long.

In the books, Ludlum managed to keep her around, while not as actively as in the first film (or book) but still enough to keep her fairly prominent. While not spoiling it, she is plays a vital role in kicking off the second book’s plot, and has a lot of action on her own, away from Bourne.

This is prima facie evidence that the rich are not taxed anywhere NEAR enough.

The main reason to dislike the Bourne sequels is, of course, that hack Palsy Greengrass directing them.

The mindset that insists on things like this is beyond seeking ostentatious displays of wealth. It’s obscene, vulgar even. There’s a part of me that’s genuinely sad, that so much wealth can be hoarded by a single human.

I know. It's all so very dumb.

Maybe he should stop signaling left and then swerving to the right.

Just offer them a nominal fee for placing panels/turbines on their land.

The funny thing is, the Federal Government does negotiate prices on drugs. The VA does it all the time. When I treated veterans and active servicemen, they would always get their prescriptions filled through the VA. It is only CMS that isn’t allowed to. It’s all just so mind-bogglingly fucked up and whenever somebody