
It was an oversight from my understanding. Delta-9 is the THC component typical in marijuana that has been illegal for a hundred years.

Yeah Delta-8 is odd. With the Farm Bill loophole they basically concentrate it from hemp until it acts like Delta-9, so theoretically it should be ok, but throw in companies willing to exploit a loophole with no oversight and I’m wary.

100% why I will be glad when my state legalizes pot. People can get it from places where they pretty know what is in it and not buy this crap or Delta-8 at the mini-mart.

Even then, it was clear he didn’t care about Disney. It is even clear now that he doesn’t really care about all the culture war stuff he was pushing. He was always just projecting fake tough guy energy and trying to be as cruel as possible to impress the rubes. His problem was that he could never pull that off as well

For nearly two decades we have worked under the same basic hot dog exclusivity provisions.’

I always found these eating contests or eating challenges kind of gross, the only competitive eater than isn’t gross and actually makes the food look delicious is Joel Hansen.

Or just maybe the CEO should be making a modest $1M instead of $31.4M...

Remember when Trump and his base made fun of any politicians who actually used teleprompters?

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all


I object to fentanyl being described as “toxic.” That just promotes the propaganda of the ignorant. It is an opiate and as such, it has potential side effects including sedation, respiratory depression, constipation, dry mouth, and physical or psychological dependence. It is no different from any other opiate in that

I could weep for this planet sometimes.

Why not? She declared herself a Skywalker, which is basically Star Wars royalty, right? And even if you disagree with her self-identification, she’s certainly a Palpatine, so she’s literally of imperial blood.

If you truly believe that, it’s probably for the best that you don’t go out. We don’t want to put up with you, either. 

To be honest, I do want kids seeing people in trenched getting blown up by drones.

That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

Damn, it’s a good thing no one’s ever been wrongfully convicted of anything, and that both policing and sentencing are perfectly fair and equitable across all groups at all times. And, of course, that the private prison industry doesn’t set minimum occupancy rules to ensure it has a supply of labor from which to

Yes, we should be informed if someone we’re reading about is abhorrent and odious.

Him not getting shot for his behavior is the white privilege.

I assume Floridians are being instructed to consume as many of these as possible so as to help them develop “natural immunity” to salmonella.