
I mean no they dont , but also , maybe dont murder kids and bomb hospitals on the pretence that they’re hiding terrorists either.
As someone from Ireland as well I can tell you ‘whataboutery’ does nobody any good. And While Hamas are evil bastards the solution isn’t just ‘kill every Palestinian , and let God sort it

Wait, someone can’t mention Palestine without reciting a litany of other global issues? That’s ridiculous. If someone wants to discuss Ukraine, I don’t demand they discuss Uyghurs. Belief that discussing one topic at a time is invalid is crap. So I agree that selective outrage is bullshit; it’s a bullshit derailment

How many Palestinian children would you like to see killed to punish Hamas? Wha’s the number? 20,000? 30,000?

oh get fu©ked. Hamas’ anti LGBTQ+ stance is not, or ever will be, an excuse for the genocide of an innocent population. And you’re trying to use it as a justification by bringing it up here.

Pot kettle 

It wasn’t the stimulus. Prices were held down during the pandemic because people weren’t spending for a variety of reasons. They had less things to spend on, less money, and were feeling very insecure about their finances since so many of them were not working. They weren’t driving, so not buying gas. Not traveling or

Or C) The Biden Administration doesn’t want to provide Republicans any additional content knowing Republicans will manipulate and falsify it for political means. They’ve done it before, after all.

I’m onboard with the suggestion that tickets can only be sold back to the venue, promoter, whoever, at face value and then resold at the same price.

More specifically, it’s the immediate market for reselling. You can buy 10 seats then dump eight back into the market at 10x the face value. Trying to buy Swift tickets once they canceled the first effort and “fixed” the issue, those little blue seat dots would appear and disappear so fast you couldn’t get them into

Could be a simple case where just because someone is asking, that doesn’t mean anyone will pay. Or they are doing that in order to jack up the ransomware value to Ticketmaster/ransomware market in general.

On it’s own, its value is low, and probably closer to $500k to $1 million.
But, when you combine this with other datasets, you can combine these email addresses to names and physical addresses, and combine that with other data where you might have an email address and a credit card number, but no name or physical

Over exposure while building up the hype. It is one of the many reasons why some people just don’t feel like seeing it as soon as possible. Many people will probably see it eventually for one reason or another, just not last week, or not in the cinemas.

It would be great if people would stop using phrases like “reactionary culture war.”

Yikes - I hope it was quick. Some things to keep in mind for the less sympathetic among the commentariat:

Well, as mentioned in other articles, it is what it is. There’s good news and bad news. This time I’ll just start with the good. Warner Bros still loves Miller despite there big tiff after Fury Road. It’s all water under the bridge otherwise Furiosa never would’ve happened. Warner Bros is also proud of how Furiosa

By attracting a whole lot of the never-Trump universe. She’s consistently polled ahead of Biden since before the primaries even started.

I don’t ever vote republican, but I’m pretty sure if almost anyone else went against Biden in place of trump besides a select few they would beat him. And I’m very worried about that. I’d rather have a different democrat than Biden too, but that’s not an option right now.

While I don’t like Nikki Haley, and I think she’s a coward, she’s also not a threat to democracy itself the way Trump is. There won’t be a mob of people storming the capital for Haley. I would take a Trump death anytime I could get it!

I guess the GOP was stupid in 2020 because they did the same thing.

Yeah. This happens every four years in multiple states. Traditionally, the party holding the White House goes second and their convention is ALWAYS after the legal deadline for several states. Those states have always pushed back their deadlines to accommodate the conventions, but things are different and more stupid