
Just as much as $5 gal gas

Nice to see something from the IIHS about it. That means that insurance rates on those vehicles will go up and disincentivize people from driving them right?

When I was a kid, I found ways around the cmos password. I had the protective parent, but kids are always more ingenuous.

Good point on the relative impact on the price.

It appears I must state this again:

Good on you for your precautions, but it sounds like you are actually in IT. Plenty of good parents can barely keep a router running, much less configure the domain and assign privileges the way you have. And even if they do, kids are remarkably adept at crafting ways around parental restrictions. Then there’s the

My router, my permissions.

Call Ken Burns.

“He was the worst!”

Hollywood can fight about multiple things at once.

Yemen’s been locked in a famine for years now and its economy is a shambles, but one side in their civil war thinks it’s worthwhile to expend the resources to launch a missile at Israel.

If you read their opinions and dissents, they are practically pleading for a party to come before them asking the question that they have the “answer” for. Some are more eloquent with these siren songs, calling for a case to be brought to them, and others are extremely to-the-point with blaring sirens calling for the

If an actor asked me this question as a filmmaker, I wouldn’t be the least bit offended. I’d reply, I want you in this movie because I need x, y and z and I think you’re the best guy to give me x, y and z in this particular part, and thoroughly explain why. I’d prefer it, as I know they aren’t just taking the part for

It was probably full of 10mm sockets. Expected behavior.

the framing of this as “either you’re for marvel movies or you’re against them” sums up my exhaustion with the phenomenon

Yeah.... Climate change doesn’t give a fuck about you and your cars.

Over a decade ago, there was a meta-analysis in the NEJM about all the various diets. They all work about the same. Atkins, paleo, raw, Zone, Weight Watchers, doesn’t matter.  People lose about 1 - 2 kg over a few months on average, then they put it back on over the next few months. The conclusion was that we don’t

Pretty sure that’s an Impala, dude.

Seems relevant to point out that Grenadine is made from pomegranates.  Same etymological issues.

There’s no need to fumble with a touchscreen. No need to read a series of prompts or go digging into settings.