
I expect that a rear emergency release is a nod to people’s legitimate concerns about safety, but it’s little more than a nod. When a potential buyer raises the question, the current release is an answer that eases minds without truly solving the problem.

I also think about how cables that aren’t regularly used can get frozen into place.

There are designs where the back door is a reduced size, and often hinges at the back. These were common a extended crew cab designs.

I also think that it’s unreasonable to expect that people operating machinery at very high speed to not react with profanity when suddenly presented with a large high-speed object that is suddenly in the immediate path that they expected to take.

Few people ever notice the font on the bottom of checks, if they even deal with checks at all anymore. So the MICR font is one that seems really alien, yet remains readable.

And that is why neither you nor I will ever be that rich. It takes a serious personality disorder to get there.

Not true! I’m pretty sure that his drug use has a fighting chance of him committing death by misadventure.

As properly noted by others here, Musk did not invent those things you cherish, he successfully hyped them. In fact, his greatest individual contribution to Tesla is probably the absurd Cybertruck. But the bigger problem is not the wealth derived from the companies he heads up, it’s what he chooses to do with that

If you want to tax the rich, tax wealth

2017 Forester. The sensor pad under the passenger seat that tells the airbag system whether the seat is occupied has been intermittently failing. Subaru says maybe 7 months for a new sensor set up. It’s been 5 months with no response from the dealer.


Don’t forget about Dunkirk. Waiting around long enough for the Brits to repatriate their boys was an incredibly foolish move.

Even if her insurance company is responsible, and I don’t think that is clear, any payout will take months. Looking to get repair dollars now could be important.

The problem with that approach is that the suburbs keep creeping out into the country. Several decades ago, a friend knew a guy that had been collecting old cars from defunct brands. Hudsons, Packards, Studebakers, DeSotos, etc. He had them lined up on his rural property, not bothering anyone. But Tinley Park

Previous posts here have indicated that it’s a lot more than pay. Candidates have to go through extensive training (at their own expense IIRC), then don’t have any say in where they are posted. So you could wind up having to relocate your family anywhere the FAA decides, and seniority dictates that better locations

Don’t dismiss what he’s likely to try this time.

I would argue that the appearance is a feature, not a bug. For a vehicle aimed at such a dedicated use, having an unusual look is a big plus. You immediately know what it is, and you have a good idea of what it is likely to do. Sometimes I come up on the white vans that USPS is using now and I don’t know just it’s

We should be pulling the same shit that the Chinese did, let American companies partner with the Chinese just long enough to learn from their IP, then copy it.

I still am astonished that Chrysler never cashed in on the upmarket sub-compact CUV craze. If Buick could sell Encores, Chrysler could have sold plenty of them as well, and they had plenty of Fiat platforms to work from.

I wouldn’t expect the owner to be searching eBay himself, but is that where even his mechanic would look? I would think that Bugatti themselves would be the only place to search.