
One of my favorite commercials opened with a teenaged girl opening the trunk, heaving out the tire and jack, and proceeding to change a tire. As she finishes tightening the lug nuts and stands up, the camera pulls back to show her dad who has been watching. He nods approvingly and acknowledges that she has passed the

As significant as knowing what to do is the willingness to do it. So many of her colleagues would consider it beneath them.

When Trump responded to her list of the many Trump administration members who have flatly stated he should not be allowed to be President again that they were poor performers he had fired, I wanted her to reply that he hadn’t fired Dick Cheney.

That’ll buff out.

I think it’s actually an attempt to perform some political jiu-jitsu, turning his cat liability into a Harris liability. But it’s so heavy handed that I expect it to blow back onto him.

Ohio, which he represents. But no one who cares a whit about facts would amplify that bullshit claim.

The only fix that I can think of is via property tax. I get a homestead exemption on my taxes since it is my primary residence. Communities need to adjust the homestead exemption so that it makes either short or long-term rentals less profitable, so that houses will move back into primary residences.

Check out the book I mentioned. It explains how absolutely hostile the Mars environment is. The technical challenges of staying alive there are huge, and unlikely to be up to keeping humans there for anything more than a few days at a time before they would have to return to Earth.

While most commenters are rationally going ND on this car, the rest of the comments reinforce my belief that a similar vehicle would sell well in today’s market. Honda and Toyota could use their sub-compact platforms to create a modern version of the Tracker. 2 doors on a slightly lifted and squared up body, offered

The difference is that those colonists had every reason to believe that the New World was habitable by humans. Mars, not so much.

Anyone who thinks that doing this is possible within our lifetimes needs to pick up a copy of A City on Mars by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith. You will quickly be disabused of the idea.


The great thing about the mall chase in Blues Brothers is that it was filmed in a defunct mall near where I grew up, Dixie Square Mall. I spent plenty of time in that place, even though in reality it was little more than a glorified strip mall. The entire Chicagoland area gave Landis unbelievable support for whatever

The question of whether vaping is smoking is up to the party making the rules, whether that is a restaurant or an airline, not the vaper. The problem is the person who knows better than the host of the establishment what is and isn’t smoking, and insists on violating the rules in that environment, as if there is some

If someone were to figure out how to make the stock drivetrain 4x4

You can vape with no visible exhalation just as easily.

Fun fact about the Tiger: The opening of the TV spy satire show Get Smart! would always start with Maxwell Smart driving up to Control headquarters in a sports car before going through the multiple sets of doors that secured the operation. The first two seasons he drove a Tiger, but was downgraded to lesser sports

The only advantage that I could see would be during inclement weather. Having the car pull up under a portico could be nice if it’s raining hard, or if the ground is snow covered.

I would bet this has more to do with people talking on their phones than singing to music