
Not that it makes much difference in the long run, but you probably want to be a cow on the upper level during the ride.

at least one animal was seen jumping from the trailer

It’s so messed up that the only two most expensive and important things you buy in life (Homes and Vehicles), still allow haggling, negotiable pricing, middle men to add their own fees, and all the other hidden bullshit.

I’ve long felt that Toyota and Honda are missing a market by not making something like the Samurai today. Take the Yaris or Fit platform, put a butched up 2-door body on it, add a couple of off-road looking ornaments and they could sell lots of them to young adults that can’t swing a Wrangler payment (and insurance).

I seriously shopped one back in 1979, when I vowed to never again get stuck driving in Chicago snow after a miserable winter. I opted for a Subaru, though, because the Scout was extremely truck-like, and I needed a reasonable daily driver that wouldn’t rattle me to death on city streets.

I don’t see where the site is limiting the deceit to Trump supporters. It fails to register anyone living in MI after collecting info. I suspect that they are aware that unregistered voters are more likely to be people motivated by Harris’ new candidacy, so deceiving those people helps Trump. In any case, they could

It’s like you ordered Michael Bloomberg from Wish.com

That is a totally unfair description of Trump’s motives.

I believe that at the heart of his appeal is his acknowledgement of the loss of privilege for white men over the past 60 years. It used to be that white men were at the top of the pecking order in pretty much every field. But now people of color and women have demanded that they, too, get access to what was reserved

The two main arguments were that the change to the Constitution to allow proportional taxes was never completed properly, and that the requirement to submit a tax return that was tantamount to sworn testimony violated the notion of not being required to testify against yourself. Neither of these arguments has held up

Ages ago when I was young(er) and (more)foolish, I was exposed to some claptrap that Federal income tax and its collection violated the Constitution, and it made a certain sense to me. Fortunately I thought better of it before opting to not file anymore. So I can understand the appeal of ASN and SC, but it doesn’t

If you carefully avoid letting the scroll bar on the side reach the bottom of its space you’ll avoid being redirected. Hopefully that will be noted and fixed soon.

It was the 70s. We put sunroofs in everything. And regretted it shortly thereafter.

Why do they call it ‘Tourist Season’ if we’re not allowed to shoot them?

As much as I love the shooting brake style, that greenhouse addition over those massive rear fender flares just looks dinky.

And that’s the point of flooding the field with lies. It’s not to make you believe the lies. It’s to make you doubt everything said by everyone else.

The associated email isn’t a problem for me. That’s what burner accounts are for.

The Abraham Lincoln Museum in Springfield, IL has a Dymaxion on display. Very cool to see one in person, but it’s smaller than I imagined it to be from pictures.

It can get complicated in large cities that have multiple rules restricting when and where you can park. Chicago, for example, has both snow season restrictions and street cleaning restrictions. And then there are hourly changes about whether you have to pay to park, and some neighborhoods where you need a parking

If he couldn’t make the trip for some reason, at the very least he could have found a buyer’s agent to check out the vehicle and arrange for shipping to San Diego. And put the payment into an escrow account pending verifications.