
There was a great link from one the posts here (probably in the comments so I can’t find it) about CDK pursuing the corporate goal of becoming not just ‘Too big to fail’, but to become ‘Too big to jail’. Excellent read about the steps CDK took to first become a near monopoly through acquisitions, then fail to

I take it farther back. If you deny the results of elections without any substantiated proof, you no longer get to participate in elections.

A potential solution for that is to go somewhere that remote work is all but impossible because it lacks robust internet access. Caribbean islands and rural locations are examples.

My problem with vacations is that they’re not really vacations from my work. I’m just pushing work to before or after I’m gone since no elves come in and take care of my work while I’m gone. I haven’t had an actual vacation since I moved from hourly to salaried employment.

Absolutely. The wife and I visited Beaver Creek in CO in the fall one year. The aspens were in glorious color and no crowds at restaurants. The cherry on top was a classic car show where rich dudes brought out their exotic toys, something they would never do in winter.

Battery swapping was proposed by A Better Place, and tried out in Israel. It was not successful. As others have pointed out, it requires some level of standardization among manufacturers, which is possible but not easy. The concerns about battery quality was a non-issue for BP since their model had you renting

No one works harder for their money than someone who marries it.

How hard is it to look at the title of a post and determine that something political is being discussed, and to skip over that post if you don’t want to be presented with a political opinion or statement on an automotive blog?

I agree, the best buyer for this car would be Ford, just to put it in their collection.

I applaud whoever it was that got this post approved, misguided and strange as it might be

One problem is they generally disconnect the system once they’re ready to push back

Seriously, do they not have an English speaking consultant around?

I always wondered just what happened to make him withdraw. Was there an incident with someone? Did something with the cancer treatment trigger it, a la Howard Hughes?

Almost anytime that you hear a really hot woman asked about her relationship with a much less hot guy, she answers the same thing: He makes me laugh.

I had a 65 Impala SS in college. It had been ratted out as a ‘fishing car’ before I got it, but I sold it a year later for what I paid for it to someone who wanted the small block V8 in it. As much as I enjoyed it, and might even dream of of its cousin, $37 large is absurd.

It’s also different when someone gets a leg up in, say, insurance sales. Sure, it’s nepotism, but no one is envious of an insurance salesman.

That waste can is as close as I’ve gotten to seeing one. Chicagoland does not seem to be a hotbed of Musk fandom willing or able to shell out $100K to show their fealty.

I agree with you about reasonableness, and I expect that is why SAG rules would be introduced by Baldwin’s lawyer. It’s just that the law doesn’t usually recognize rules that haven’t been codified by the legislature, but they can be introduced in an effort to sway a jury.

My thoughts exactly. Hi, Mercedes!