
I don’t understand the value of seizing the account, though. Wouldn’t he simply set up a new account? His faithful would follow him slavishly.

You are at a higher risk statistically if you do those things on the regular, but plenty of stories have come out that the insurance companies use an incredibly low threshold for those things to raise rates. You might need to go to a 24-hour store for cold medicine and take a hit even though you rarely venture out

I’ve always wondered about the loophole that allows Delta-8 products. Was it an oversight, or did someone specifically limit prohibition to Delta-9 in order to intentionally create a new market?

I figure you can just not drive like an asshole, and thus not have to worry about it much.

Or at least extend the engine warranty to 250K miles, and make it transferable. Engine fails, Toyota replaces it.

A friend’s daughter suffers from SPS, and undergoes regular plasmapheresis treatments. I thought that was the best treatment available?

All he knows is that Bitcoin will facilitate secret donations to him, and that is all that matters.

I was interested in Delta-8 products, and tried some with good results, but even before IL legalized recreational use I avoided Delta-8. I want any product like that to be coming from a facility that is inspected, and the products tested. Not something that might well be getting produced in someone’s kitchen with no

I’d assume he gets more votes than when he lost to Biden

Well, the offender and the guy he killed are in the 17 count, so that takes us down by 2 for kidnapping and assault. But that still gets us only to 15.

Because psilocybin is regulated and illegal to sell while A.Muscaria is neither of these things?

Please, for but a minute, try imagining a version of The Tonight Show With Jay Leno without Kevin Eubanks. Doesn’t that sound awful?

Those people on a beach are likely lottery winners. Yes, Gill is lucky as hell, but he’s also persistent. He stuck with the GameStop gambit long after most people would give it up. That’s what I mean by exceptional. I don’t think that he’s especially smart or insightful. He mostly seems to have fallen into a situation

I always thought the real loophole is that he makes more money from his social media than the city’s fines

That London Aire RV might have value as an out building. Put it in the backyard, power wash it, and gut the interior. Then set up the studio/home office/guest room of your dreams on the inside.

But this is exactly why you (or I) won’t reach that level. It’s true of almost any human endeavor. It’s only the people driven to achieve those heights that actually make it there. The rest of us are more easily satisfied, so we don’t keep pushing, and instead enjoy life.

Chicago, 1978, southbound on Sheridan Rd after closing time. It’s an urban four-lane road with no divider and lots of stuff (sidewalks, utility poles, etc.) immediately on the edge of the right lanes. I’m in the left lane when the oncoming car drifts into my lane. There’s just enough other traffic going both ways that

Now, now, let’s all take a moment to congratulate Rush Limbaugh on 3 years of sobriety. Way to go, Rush!

Probably because precious few, even on this site, have any idea of what Bugsy Malone is, much less have seen it.

It is the nature of rear-engine cars. I owned multiple Beetles. Their saving grace was that the 4 banger wasn’t powerful enough to let you get into much trouble. 6 cylinders, on the other hand...